
Chapter 104

A/N: I Hope everybody had a good Christmas or if you don't celebrate it I hope you had a good holiday break.

Now anyways daily updates will return the day after new years on JAN 2. And since this will the last chapter until then I hope everyone has enjoy there new years celebration. 

On Coruscant inside of the Emperor's Palace, Emperor Palpatine was meeting with the Grand Inquisitor.

"How goes the Hunt Grand Inquisitor" Asked Emperor Palpatine.

"The Hunt goes well my Lord, we have managed to find hundreds of children who are Force-Sensitive to turn them into your servants, And those who resist will be eliminated" Responded the Grand Inquisitor.

 "Very Good Grand Inquisitor our plan to get rid of the last remaining Jedi is still in effect once we amass more Inquisitors, we will be able to hunt them down to the last remaining, Even the ones that were saved by that Emperor Alexander" Stated Emperor Palpatine as he was already aware of what happened 2 years ago when the Clones attacked the Jedi Temple.

"And what about Darth Maul" Asked the Grand Inquisitor since Maul was the one whom he was supposed to work with.

"I'm afraid it has been too long Maul has been captured, So I Must declare him dead and find a new apprentice whom shall take his place" Stated Emperor Palpatine

"Is that why you kidnapped some of those Nightsisters and Nightbrothers, My Lord" Asked the Grand Inquisitor.

"Yes, their indoctrination has been nearly completed and soon they will be loyal to only me. One of the Nightsisters has actually shown signs of being a strong apprentice, I have been keeping my eye on her and she has shown that she is stronger than Maul, But only time will tell whether or not she will pass the trial to become my Apprentice" Said Emperor Palpatine.

The Nightsisters and Nightbrothers whom he kidnapped and were not killed by him, Instead they were taken to an indoctrination facility where they will be exposed to the Dark side of the Force and implanted with undeniable Loyalty to Emperor Palpatine to become his servants.

Also the Training of other Force Sensitive Children to become Inquisitors was something that was being done in order to further increase the Sith's ability to hunt the Jedi into extinction and bring back the Sith's into power.

So far Emperor Palpatine completed half of that plan while the other Half was an obstacle that he had to overcome which was causing him a headache.

And that Headache was the presence of Emperor Alexander and his Empire which has shown time and time again that they have the weapons, ships, and soldiers to compete with the Galactic Empire.

Emperor Palpatine has started numerous projects to develop new and more powerful weapons to get the edge in battle and take over the Terran Ascendency so that he can complete his plan of controlling the Galaxy.

Meanwhile on Tatooine, Home to the Hutt Clan Leader Jabba the Hutt, A meeting was taking place between the members of the Grand Hutt Council to talk about the Galactic Empire.

Following the collapse of the Republic, Emperor Palpatine strategically utilized the Empire's power and control in Hutt space to restructure certain areas into Sectors, each governed by a Moff.

Though their authority was weak at best and non-existent at worst since the Hutt Clans and the other criminal enterprises continued to be the true rulers of those Imperial created Sectors.

Emperor Palpatine left Hutt space alone because of the considerable tax that it generated for the Imperial Military. The Galactic Empire also established a few factories in Hutt space and often used it's military as a bargaining chip.

The Hutt were not stupid so they could figure out what would happen in the long run of they continue to let the Empire exert their influence in their space. Which is why they called for a meeting from all the members of the Grand Hutt Council.

The meeting was all taking place through a holo call since travelling large distances or even gathering in one place would be too dangerous for the members of the Grand Hutt Council.

The first to speak was a Hutt named Marlo "The expansion of the Galactic Empire is a threat to the Hutts existence in the Outer rim" Claimed Marlo.

"The Emperor continues to use the Imperial Military to force their authority here in the Outer Rim and our funding of that has allowed them to do that" Explained Marlo.

The next person to speak was a Hutt named Oruba "I agree with you Marlo, But what can we do, I am sure that the Emperor has spies all over the Outer rim territories so any major movements will be noticed by those spies and reported back to the Emperor. And once that happens then we the Hutts will not rule for much longer" Said Oruba.

As Oruba said this the next Hutt that spoke was Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo, a nephew of Jabba and the Accountant for the Grand Hutt Council "I Have a solution to this problem If I may explain" Said Gorga since he was the youngest member of the Council and he had a considerable amount of respect for his uncle Jabba.

Jabba looked at Gorga before he nodded his head "Tell us what you have planned" Said Jabba

That's when Gorga started to tell them that if the All the members of the Grand Hutt Council worked together they could potentially secretly build up a small fleet that could cause trouble for the Galactic Empire in a few years time.

The Grand Hutt Council and Jabba wanted to know how were they going to build ship's secretly without the Empire knowing.

Gorga explained that they would build smaller ships that the Empire won't consider to be a threat while they would purchase ship's from the Rival Empire of the Galactic Empire known as the Terran Ascendency.

Upon mention of the Terran Ascendency Jabba eyes widened while the rest of the Grand Hutt Council started talk about the benefits of this plan and if it would work.

Jabba had information on the Terran Ascendency but also knew that one of the things they despise is slavery. So buying ship's directly from them will be a problem especially since one of the main things that the hutt clan deal in is slaves.

While it was a well thought out plan it would only work if the Terran Ascendency agreed to sell them military ships. 

The Capital planet of the Terran Ascendency Lehon has only recently been open to the Galaxy and Jabba only had a little information on how their economy works. 

But he hopes that his influence as Jabba and his money will influence the Terran Ascendency into allowing them purchase military ships.

The Grand Hutt Council had discussed a few more things before the meeting ended. It was decided that an envoy shall go to Lehon to meet with the Terran Ascendency Leaders. Who would go was still something that they haven't figured out.

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