
Galactic Empire Grand Admirals

Octavian Grant

Grand Admiral Octavian Grant is a Human male of Noble birth who saw himself as superior to those who were not members of the nobility, and held a particular dislike for droids and other species. And although he was one of the least popular Grand Admirals, and did not attempt to curry favor with the Imperial moffs. He is one of the 12 Grand Admiral's appointed by Emperor Palpatine.


Josef Grunger

Grand Admiral Josef Grunger is a Human male and one of the twelve original beings elevated to the rank of Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine. Neither subtle nor loyal by nature, Grunger nonetheless remained devoted to Palpatine until he sees a chance to grab power for himself.


-Martio Batch

Grand Admiral Martio Batch is a Human Male and an Imperial officer who rose through the ranks to become one of the twelve Grand Admirals of the Galactic Empire appointed by Emperor Palpatine during an elaborate New Year's Fete Week ceremony. Batch disliked the Imperial court politics that his fellow Grand Admirals reveled in, and as a result of his low profile, he earned the nickname the "invisible admiral."


-Nial Declann

Grand Admiral Nial Declann is a Human Male Force-sensitive who served the Galactic Empire both as one of its twelve Grand Admirals and as a Dark Side Adept. Declann's impressive, Force-enhanced skills as a TIE pilot brought him to the attention of Emperor Palpatine's agents. He was subsequently taken to the Sith world of Dromund Kaas, where he was educated in the ways of the dark side by the Prophets of the Dark Side. When his training was complete, he was allowed to return to service in the Imperial Navy. He built a reputation for himself, due to both his aptitude for battle meditation, and his severe mood swings.



Grand Admiral Ishin-Il-Raz is a fanatical supporter of the New Order and its core precepts, Ishin-Il-Raz was one of the original twelve Grand Admirals of the Imperial Navy appointed by Emperor Palpatine. He is the leader of the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order, and is a key figure in the development of its Humanocentric ideas and concepts. His efforts eventually came to the attention of Palpatine, who gave him the rank of Grand Admiral, despite Il-Raz's complete lack of military experience.

This appointment was met with much criticism, and Il-Raz knew that his appointment was purely a political one. Il-Raz began to idolize Palpatine, and initiated a series of bloody massacres in an attempt to win favor with the Emperor.


-Afsheen Makati

Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati is a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy who commands the Imperial Star Destroyer Steadfast. Makati's service record was no more distinguished than numerous admirals in the Imperial Navy and his appointment was considered a surprise by many.


-Danetta Pitta

Grand Admiral Danetta Pitta, a Near-Human male, was a renowned bigot and xenophobe who served in the Imperial Navy. Pitta kept his mixed ancestry, which included both a Borneck and an Etti, a secret by becoming one of the most zealous defenders of Human High Culture in the Galactic Empire. He emphasized this by constantly scrutinizing the pedigree of others—even officials from the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order balked at his fanaticism.


-Peccati Syn

Grand Admiral Peccati Syn was one of the twelve original Grand Admirals of the Imperial Navy. Raised as a devout Sacred Way follower, the young Syn was forced to abandon his religion under Imperial oppression. He joined the Empire to fill a spiritual void, rising through the ranks thanks to his tactical expertise and energetic devotion.


-Miltin Takel 

Grand Admiral Miltin Takel was a veteran fleet admiral who became one of the twelve original Imperial Grand Admirals appointed by Emperor Palpatine. Known for his strong vices, the Grand Admiral was a spice addict from the world of Gargon and used the resources of the Empire to obtain the highest-quality substances. In addition, Takel had a lust for non-Human women, something that would have been looked down upon by the Imperials who subscribed to Human High Culture had Takel's brother, Imperial Governor Griff Takel, not hid the Grand Admiral's improprieties. Despite these proclivities, Takel was a masterful commander, aided by the limited telepathy that was granted to him by the use of glitterstim.


-Osvald Teshik 

Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik was a Human male who served as a Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy. A respected strategist, he was one of the original twelve individuals to be appointed to the rank of Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine. At this time Teshik commands the Imperial Center Oversector, a vast region of space that included the galactic capital of Imperial Center and all of the oversector's fleets. While Human his body is 75% Cybernetics making him basically a cyborg.


-Rufaan Tigellinus

Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus Known for his political savvy and charisma, Tigellinus was widely followed in the media and was considered to be a key player in Imperial Court politics. Already a respected fleet admiral, he was made a Grand Admiral by Emperor Palpatine and, from the helm of his Star Destroyer, Avatar, spent much time rooting out pirates in the Outer Rim Territories.



Grand Admiral Thrawn was a male Chiss officer with a long-spanning career. He served the Chiss Ascendancy early in his life and later the naval forces of the Galactic Empire as the only non-human Grand Admiral. Thrawn was regarded as one of the best commanders to serve under and a brilliant military strategist in the starfleet. His skills were appreciated enough by Emperor Palpatine that he rose to a position of significant power despite the New Order's speciesist policies.

A/N: His background is way too long so Im going to just leave it like this.

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