
Chapter 02

Before leaving I made sure that there are no obstacles nearby to be able to move quickly towards a car that is not damaged to try to start it and be able to leave here, but after a few minutes of observing I see that some zombies are heading towards me, when I see this I react re-entering the house and closing the door and locking it, after a few seconds I hear how the zombies begin to knock on the door trying to enter, seeing this I go to the patio door and quietly leave, I go to a hardware store that is about 30 minutes from my house on foot, on the way I see how zombies kill people and then eat them, it is a creepy sight without hesitation but it is nothing that I have not seen in movies, only this time it is live and in direct.

After walking for about 10 minutes I arrive at a park where there are many zombies walking everywhere, I also see some zombies that are further away from the group, after thinking about it for a few seconds I go to one that is alone, from what I see they cannot see or smell, they are directed towards their objective by the sound, I silently approach him from behind with a knife in my hand, after being behind him without hesitation I stab him with a knife in the skull with all the strength I have, the zombie falls forward like a puppet who has cut the strings, but before he falls I hold him so that he does not make a noise when he falls.

Me: (Apparently the head is its weak point like in games and movies, I better go to the police station since it is close and then I go to the hardware store)

I think before starting to walk back to the police station, upon arrival I find several bodies of which I deduce that they are the officers who tried to protect themselves, after thinking for a moment I begin to check the station for weapons, after looking for a while I find an M4, M16 and a FAMAS, I also found a SIG SAUER PS in the hands of a corpse, I took them and placed them in my backpack, I found about 10 cartridges of each one, already PS I carry it on my belt just in case, Before I left I checked again and found a silencer that I put on the M4.

When leaving the station I go back to the hardware store but before I leave I see a police motorcycle lying nearby and without hesitation I approach it taking care that a zombie does not surprise me and when I get close enough a zombie throws itself at me but I I stick the knife in the skull fast enough so that it does not bite or scratch me, but the zombie fell to count a glass and when breaking it made some noise and that attracted the zombies, when I realized that I keep the knife and I take out the M4 that has the silencer, I check that everything is in order with the weapon so that it does not explode in my head or I do not fire when I need it.

After reviewing, I position myself and then start shooting as calmly as I could because it is the first time that I use a weapon.

Me: Hahahaha, if I gave it and apparently it is a Headshot, and my parents said that games are useless and now look at me for the first time with a weapon and the first Headshot.

After saying that I concentrate on killing the zombies that are closer to avoid unexpected surprises, after shooting for a while I see that the zombies do not decrease until I hear a cold voice in my head.

Voice of the World: You have acquired the skill "Handling Firearms (I)"

After listening to the Voice of the world I realize that shooting became easier and I do it faster than before, when I see that I have a clear path, I start running through that place without hesitation, not without the zombies starting to try catch me, but they only earn a bullet in the head, after running for a while until they were no longer following me.

Me: (Luckily they're slow)

I think before going to a house that is empty since the door is open, after checking that there is no one, I begin to lock the doors and windows, when I finish securing the house I go to one of the fourth and then lie in the bed.

Me: state

I say to see my progress, since I was like 5 minutes shooting the zombies and 10 minutes running.


Name: Sergio Romero

Male gender

Race: Human

Occupation: None

Titles: None

Level 1


Strength: 70 --> 76 (I)

Vitality: 69 --> 72 (I)

Agility: 65 --> 73 (I)

Intelligence: 70 --> 72 (I)

Magic: 0 --> 0 (I)


Kitchen (I)

Programming (C)

Languages ​​(E)

Drawing (D)

Mathematics (D)

Dagger Proficiency (I)

Melee Combat (I)

Handling of Firearms (I)

After seeing my statistics I see that they have only risen a little, and from what I see the Force went up because I was carrying the backpack all the time and the Vitality is the same, but it did not go up much because they did not hurt me, the agility I imagine it is from running like crazy for 10 minutes, the intelligence I think is because I gain a little knowledge of how to handle firearms and magic does nothing went up why not and trying to use it for nothing.

After looking at my statistics I concentrate on the ammunition that I have left, apparently since I do not miss many shots I have 4 cartridges of bullets from the M4, after reviewing my things I sit on the ground in a lotus position.

Me: Hopefully the anime will tell the truth about how to feel the energy inside me.

After saying that I concentrated and stabilized my breathing, I relaxed and did not pay attention to anything other than my body, after waiting about 30 minutes I was about to give up but I feel something warm inside my body, I try to touch it and When doing it, it distorts a little but I manage to control it and guide it to go through my body little by little, first it was my veins, then the organs, then the bones and finally the flesh of my body, I was so focused on this that I did not realize I realized that 5 hours had passed since I started and I would be followed if it weren't for the Voice of the world speaking to me again.

Voice of the World: You have acquired the skill "Mana Control (I)"

Voice of the World: You have acquired the skill "Strengthening (I)"

After that I went to the window and looked out only to see that it was already dark and then I went to bed to lie down and then go to sleep.

Next chapter