
Chapter 6

Emily showed that she liked the idea, and Adela got upset for a while because she thought that if they accepted her proposal, she would miss the opportunity to meet the stable boy.

But seeing Emily's wish in her eyes, she felt guilty for being so selfish and reconsidered it. She decided that if her mother agreed, they would go, and she would make sure they had the best time ever. She could put her plan into action some other day.

But the mother said no. They had to go to the market, and Emily's eyes fell into misery again, and Adela noticed that. She did not realize that Emily was having such a wrong time. She had no idea. Now that she knew it, she would try to make up for the indifference she had shown so far.

"Okay, mother. But will we go one of the next few days? Should I send a note with one of the maids to my aunt, asking her when she can accept us? So, mother. What do you think about that choice? The weather is so nice to pay a visit. After all, it's been a long time since we last saw the aunt". Emily looked hopefully at the mother, but the mother remained bent down to the embroidery. After a while, she raised her head and looked at Adela.

"Okay. Arrange it with the note you said and let me know. Tell the maid to wear her best uniform she has, to make a good impression".

"Okay, mother, I'll tell her," Adela assured her mother, "And just to know, you gave us great joy, mother. You are very nice. You will not regret it; we are going to have a fantastic time with Aunt Virginia." Adela looked at both of them. Emily's happy look thanked her; deep down, she knew that Adela had done it for her. Adela smiled at her and then kissed her mother on the cheek, bitterly regretting the words she had just uttered in her room.

"Did the father leave?" Adela then asked.

"Yes, some time ago," Emily replied.

"Okay. I'm going to have my breakfast, write the note and send it. As soon as I have the answer I will come to inform you about Aunt's reply. Did you have your breakfast? "

"Yes. We have had it."

"Fine then. I will see you later." She hurried away, avoiding her mother changing her mind about visiting Aunt Virginia. She had done it before.

She went to the dining room and sat down. Immediately a maid appeared with a large tray in her hands. She laid it gently on the table and, one by one, spread plates, cups, glasses, teaspoons, cutlery in front of Adela.

Bread, egg, ham, milk, fresh butter, sugar, cheese, tea, all the goods that can please a human being for breakfast.

Adela ate with appetite and, when she finished, went to her room. Agnes would indeed be waiting for her, and she did not fall out. Agnes was there waiting for her.

"Am I late? I also had my breakfast."

"Not at all. You did very well. But I was anxious about how did go with your mother."

"They will go to the market today. But I did not ask the time so as not to arouse suspicion. I have never asked mother or my sister before and may rightly be wondered."

"Yes, you did well. Your mother and sister usually go in the morning before it gets too hot."

"What did you do?"

"I learned that today they would wash the sheets. And you know, eh? It takes them a long time to finish. All the maids will be there, in the laundry room. Boiling water and putting the sheets inside, and then they rub them hard to get clean. It is a big process that takes time."

"Yes, but you said everyone would go and help."

"And again, all together, they will need a lot of time."

"Oh, but this is a divine gift. What else can I ask for? It all came so conveniently. Do you think it's a sign?" she looked at Agnes with hope.

"I cannot know that," the little girl replied honestly. "Adela, do you know his name?" Agnes asked to change the talking subject.

Adela looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"I haven't considered it at all. Indeed, he absolutely has a name. No, I do not know it. How could I? Do you know what it is? "

"No. It has never happened to hear the stable boy's name. Everyone calls him the 'stable boy'."

Adela, at first, seemed disappointed but quickly overcame it.

"It does not matter. I will ask him." She said, finally taking a dreamy look. Agnes shook her slightly.

"Come on. We have no time to lose."

Adela turned her head and looked at her. "Tell me. What is the next step?"

"First, we will wait for your mother and sister to leave. The maids to go to the laundry. Oh…"

"Oh? What oh? Why oh? What's up, Agnes?" Adela implored her.

"We did not count on the cook. And the well can be seen from the kitchen windows. She will see you, and she will recognize you, of course."

"You're right. And now?"

"Now I have to think of something to keep the cook busy, so she doesn't see you. Give me some time. The bad thing is that I do not think she likes me a lot after what I did to her with the pea yesterday."

Adela wondered. "Why? What did you do to her?"

Agnes told her, and Adela burst out laughing.

"I was right to say that you are a brilliant little girl. Fantastic idea! And the execution of it just perfect!"

Adela continued laughing until Agnes started laughing too.

When they came together, Agnes left Adela alone at the chamber to inspect what was happening. Firstly, Agnes wanted to ensure that Margaret and Emily left for the market. And second, to watch when the maids go to the laundry room to proceed with the plan accordingly.

Adela stayed in the room waiting for Agnes to come back, and then she remembered the note she had to send to Aunt Virginia.

She sat in her little secretary and got a piece of paper. Then she dipped the duck feather in the ink and wrote:

Dear Aunt Virginia,

I am writing to you on behalf of the mother.

We want to come and visit you one of the following days.

It's been a while since we last saw you, and we've missed you so much.

If you want us to come too, all you have to do is answer us on which day you can accept us.

With the deepest love

Your cousin Margaret and her daughters

Emily and Adela

Adela reread it and seemed satisfied. Carefully fold the paper and put it in an envelope. She did not consider it necessary to close it with sealing wax. The note did not say anything terrible. Also, the maids do not know how to read.

Now she could only wait for Agnes. She picked up the book she had started reading in the morning and opened it on the page she had left it.

Soon Agnes appeared, and Adela stopped reading and got up abruptly.

"Well?" asked Agnes.

"Everything is moving according to the plan. Your mother and sister left. The maids pick up the sheets, and at that moment we are talking, they go to the laundry room. You just have to get dressed in Sophie's clothes."

"This is terrific news, Agnes! But first I have to give this note to a maid to deliver it to Aunt Virginia's house," and she showed her the small envelope with the note.

"Your aunt Virginia lives far away. The maid, according to the rules of the house, should go on foot. So it will be quite late. Do you know what I'm thinking? "Agnes said and looked at her conspiratorially.

"What?" Adela asked with interest.

"To send Francesca. So we will be calm that she will not poke her nose anywhere." Agnes stated, looking at her with a big smile.

"You're right!" Adela said excitedly. "It's a great idea. I will go now to give it to her. Is she in the laundry room with the others maids? "


"Fine. I'm going to find her. The mother told me whichever maid will go to change first and put on her best uniform. You should watch her closely and see when she will leave ".

"Okay, I see. Count on me. Do not worry. When you come back to your room, get ready, and I will come to notify you."

"Very well. I'm going," Adela said, opening the door and leaving. After a while, Agnes came out too.

It was not long before Adela returned to her room. Francesca willingly took the note. Of course! She would get rid of washing the sheets.

The other maids looked unhappy about that, but they could not say anything.

Adela dressed in Sophie's clothes. She also put on the little linen white hat, dipping her hair in it. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her face had changed a lot. She did not seem to be the daughter of a lord at all. Whoever saw her, except of course the maids who know her so well, would easily pass her off as a regular maid. The door opened, and Agnes entered. She looked at Adela and smiled.

"The disguise is perfect! You look exactly like a maid! And especially since you put your hair in the hat. Your face has changed a lot."

"I see that too," Adela agreed contentedly. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything is set. In the laundry room, the maids are full busy. And now they are less in the number because of Francesca's absence. The washing will take more time.

Francesca will not be back for at least three hours. The only thing left is the cook, who never leaves her post, but I have thought of something."

"And what is that?" Adela asked impatiently, turning to look at her.

"You will see. I do not have the time to explain now. All you have to do is wait outside the kitchen, and as soon as you hear my screams, you will run across the kitchen and go out to the yard."

"But I have to know. I do not understand."

"It is not necessary. You will understand in a little while. Well, I'm going to the kitchen. Come you too in a while, stay out of the kitchen, and do as I told you when the time comes. Okay?"


Agnes looked at her for a moment.

"What happened now? You regret it?" Adela asked anxiously.

Agnes approached her and took her hands.

"Please, be careful. If I agreed to help you, I do it only to see you happy. But I'm afraid your father's reaction if understood what we up to behind his back. Nothing saves us afterward."

Adela fell into her arms.

"Thank you so much for helping me. You do not need to worry so much. I promise I will be careful. Even my father understands anything; I will not let anything happen to you."

Agnes smiled at her. "I wish you everything go as you dreamed about it."

After her words, she opened the door and went out.

In a bit of a while, Adela followed her as Agnes had told her to do.

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