
Chapter 3

Adela was left alone in the room, looking at the closed door. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Now she thought about it. It might have been too selfish for her to send little Agnes into something so risky. If anyone caught her, she would find her trouble badly. There was a battle inside her. She was in a tug of war of intense emotions.

And now, she was apprehensive about her. On the one hand, was her vast desire to finally be close to the boy who had taken her mind, and on the other hand, was the love she had for Agnes, and she did not want anything wrong to happen to her. She would have it on her heart and conscience.

She was thinking about finding her and stopping her from this dangerous venture.

Meanwhile, Agnes coming out of Adela's chamber, prudently went first to check what was going on throughout the house and then move on with the plan. She went ahead to the chambers of the other members of the family. In some of them, there was no one; in others, she saw a maid putting in order freshly washed clothes, as she did before, in Adela's room.

After that, she went downstairs and began her search from the small living room at the back of the house; there was no one there as well. Not even in the library, so there in the library, she got an opportunity and unhooked one of the windows to enter later based on the plan she had in mind. She reconsidered it and finally did the same in the small living room with another window. She thought that maybe when she would return to the library's window there was someone inside and she could not enter. In that way, she would have two alternatives.

In the large living room, she saw the two women, the mother, and Emile, embroidering as usual in front of the large window.

Something caught her ear, something about grooms that the mother said to her daughter. Agnew did not stop to listen for more. She would never do something so vile. So far, she did not see any of the maids. Without interrupting them, Agnes continued on her way.

"Where did they all go?" she mumbled thoughtfully.

She checked the whole house until she ended up in the kitchen. A big kitchen with two large fireplaces and a chimney allowed the smoke to come out of the house. There they baked the exquisite delicacies of the lords. The first hearth had two iron supports, the top of which ended in a fork. The second hearth was designed to receive the pots for ready-made dishes. In that way, they could cook -skewered on a spit- various meats, poultry and game birds, pieces of deer, or wild boar. Or anything else was bought from time to time by Lord Augustine or brought at home after hunting. Today there was a skewered chicken ready to get on fire.

There was a small oven for various sweets and pies. The large oven where they baked the bread was outside the kitchen. A second door led to the yard where the hens were, and a little further to the left, you could see the big oven. The lord preferred warm fresh bread over the purchased ones.

To Agnes' great surprise, all the maids, who were absent from the rest of the house, were gathered there peeling peas. So there was Sophie and Francesca, the nosey. "Thank God. Now I will know exactly where they both are so I can have my mind." Agnes thought.

The cook moved from her pots and sat back on her chair to continue peeling the peas. Agnes saw her somewhat fly into a temper.

Agnes seized the opportunity and decided to proceed with her plan.

"What are you all doing here?" Agnes asked with a kind smile.

But this question turned out to be a big mistake because it enraged the cook who jumped out of her chair, a fleshy woman in her fifties with a rounded face and eyes that shone with kindness. Usually. Because now her eyes sparkled with anger. Today she was not at her best.

So she jumped up and started moaning. Agnes understood that the exact words would have been heard many times today from the other maids' desperate faces.

"What are we doing? Do not have eyes? We are peeling peas. By yesterday the lord ordered it for dinner. And can you imagine it? Just a while ago, the workers brought the peas to me from the estates. And it is already four o'clock, when will I be able to cook it? Woe is me if I do not have it ready on time. That's why I gathered the maids to help me peeling the peas, to finish faster."

"What a misfortune!" Little Agnes thought. "Was this needed now? Opposite the kitchen is the dormitories. How am I go now? They will definitely see me. It's a little far, but you can tell if anyone is coming in." Agnes deliberated over her plan, watching the peas being peeled and stacked in wooden bowls.

"Should I help too?" Agnes offered.

The cook's eyes glowed with satisfaction.

"Oh, yes, come and help us. Two hands more are always helpful. There is also a chair to sit on. "

Agnes hurried to the chair, but she was not careful. She got entangled on the chair's legs, and she fell on the table with her hands opened wide, pushing two bowls full of the peeled shiny peas causing them to fall to the floor, and the peas scattered everywhere.

"My God!!" the cook opened her eyes wide in horror. She could not believe in her eyes. "What did you do, useless creature? What did you do?" she began to growl and pull her hair.


Agnes got upset and could not even apologize. She opened the door leading to the courtyard and went out of the kitchen. She ran until she turned the corner of the wall, where she stopped and started laughing.

"Yes, I did it," she said happily.

Now she had to go and see what was going on in the kitchen. Very carefully, stooping, she approached as close as possible, very carefully not been seen.

They were all crouched on the floor, trying desperately to pick up the scattered peas. But Agnes could see them quite well. She also could hear the cook shouting at them to be careful not to step on even one and do it quickly.

"Now is my chance," Agnes said and carefully left as she had come. When she was at a safe distance, she ran to the dormitories. She knew exactly where each one of the maids slept. Which dormitory and which bed. She went straight to Sophie's dormitory. She found her bed. In front of the bed was her chest. It was pretty big.

Agnes opened it.

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