
Just take me home please


Mr Davenport had driven us out of town. I felt a bit sleepy but curiousity kept me awake.

Finally we came to a stop at a small farm. It was located in a partly lonely area. There weren't a lot of houses or people around.

The car was quiet, waiting for what he wanted to show us.

Surveying the farmland carefully, we finally did.

A tanned, tired looking, young man dressed in torn denim shorts and a grey vest stood chopping wood with an obviously blunt axe. As he chopped wood, he simultaneously tried to keep an eye on the grazing cows a few feet away from him.

I sucked in a deep breath when I realized that the young man was Jason.

Ashley let out a small cry and tightened her fingers around her husband's arm.

Dani only raised an eyebrow. I caught the surprise flashing in her eyes before she quickly covered it up.

Adrian betrayed no emotion.

I didn't say a word. I just watched him.

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