

[2 weeks Later]

The day began with an auburn sky, gentle winds due north, as clouds cleared over the horizon. However, deep underground within the training chambers, Zack labored rigorously.

Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead as he tried to dodge a spell every few seconds, his wand glowed, a jolt of green burst through it to the other side. Suddenly an asphalt pillar erected before his target and his spell dissipated.

Dalton faced him, as he clutched his wand, with a simple motion he turned his wrists as the pillar crumbled, "The unforgivable curses are heavy. Not only on the target, but on the caster. You find yourself drained, of something inexplicably essential." He said.

Dalton sauntered along the room, his eyes lingering on Zack, " They are, unstoppable, or so you would believe. The killing curse, feeds on life, but if met with lifeless stone, it fades without purpose. The Imperius curse feeds on will, if met with exceptional resolve, its temptation fails." He spoke.

His footsteps ceased, as he turned towards Zack, " The Cruciatus curse, one that inflicts unbearable pain to the victim, often driving them to insanity. It feeds on the body, if met with resistance, one might be able to hold on for a while. But soon that resistance would cripple their body, as the curse would drive them to madness." Dalton declared.

"What did I tell you about the defenses to such a curse" He questioned.

Zack panted on the floor, seemingly unable to catch his breath, as he mustered some words, "If I can't resist, just dodge."

"So you say, yet here you are, sprawled over the floor." Dalton jeered, taking his wand to Zack's face.

"I did warn you, so it won't stop here. Best I can say is learn to endure the pain." He whispered, "Crucio" as a crimson blight flashed through his wand, latching onto Zack.

Zack screamed like he had never before, suffering through muffled shouts, he experienced indescribable pain for a fraction of a second. When the spell had worn off, he sprang up using his arms.

"Your tolerance could use some work." Dalton commented.

Zack wiped his brow, he was completely drenched, sweating buckets, "Why the fuck am I being tortured, this was supposed to be the killing curse training" he yelled.

Dalton seemed to flash a sly smirk, "How can one inflict death without understanding pain", He chuckled.

Zack frowned, "That doesn't fucking mean inflicting excruciating pain to me if I fail the spell." He retorted.

"If you feel its unfair, you're free to leave. Instead of suffering in your training, you will suffer when your enemies shrug off your killing curse, at most it will sting them a bit." Dalton mocked.

Zack grit his teeth, choosing to remain in the room, "So what am I missing?" He said.

"The killing curse, is unique. Its efficiency is not determined solely through skill. It is but an expression of hatred, enough to cause another's life to end, while slightly fracturing your own soul." Dalton replied.

"You have no clue on how to channel your pain. To inflict it upon another soul. It takes commitment, and dedication. However, if one is to get stimulated enough, they can begin to familiarize themselves with this sensation." He said.

Dalton faced Zack with a helpless expression, "In the end, sacrifice is needed to truly understand dark magic. A path I don't recommend you fully go down."

Zack nodded, as the pair left the room. He added on a final tidbit as he replied, "Dark or not, magic ascertains purpose not nature."


[Meeting Room]

The wizards and associates had all gathered after receiving a new summons regarding Karkaroff's recent activities. Ivan and his division had managed to analyze Karkaroff's actions and traced them back to certain sources.

Ivan had once again took center stage, as he brought on new discoveries, he projected a map across the table, outlining the routes karkaroff had taken.

"Durmstrang utilizes a ship to transport their students, it is an enchanted vessel capable of efficient spatial magic through the use of various nodes and junctions planted by the school itself. In short, it is a grid network the ship can access from any waters" Ivan explained.

He pointed out red trails on the map, "However, with certain estimations and residual magic tracking, we've outlined Karkaroff's routes for the past week."

"The red trails have all originated from one spot, likely the ships resting point, whereas they all branched out to various countries in the European continent" Ivan traced the lines with his fingers, pausing at one particular junction.

"Peculiarly, the most frequently visited junction is that of France. Durmstrang's influence over the French territories is practically baseless, for Karkaroff to repeated visit the country there is certainly something suspicious we can exploit." Ivan said.

Ivan produced sales documents and receipts collected from transport and export of Durmstrang's goods, there were quite a few buyers and sellers utilizing Durmstrang's official ship is a trading hub.

The institute itself had monopolized magical sea trade, its capability to cross oceans was what brought Durmstrang massive income on an annual basis.

Ivan placed the extensive list on the table, "The recent trade records highlight four primary locations Sweden, France, Britain and Romania." He said.

At Ivan's words the associates were unsettled, Romania had not imported goods from Durmstrang's service, particularly because they had various channels to establish trade. Romania was one of the largest trading hubs in the wizarding world, to even suggest it relied upon a single trading route was beyond foolish.

" The recent war scares prevent any business or establishment to apply for imports. It is most likely a cover up, Romania has no trade relations with Durmstrang currently." Andrei spoke with confidence.

Zagreus contemplated as he read the lists, "Perhaps Britain and Romania are indeed listed to mask the movement of Death Eaters. But Sweden and France? As far as we're concerned, Sweden is their own trading branch while France is an allied nation, with no particular outlook on the war." He uttered.

"Your assumptions might turn out to be true. But the repeated activity of Durmstrang's trade channels suggest otherwise."

Ivan shuffled through the papers as he found one particular logged report.

The report, well documented had a printed title, "Financial Jurisdiction of Impérial Warlocks"

"Whether or not France is an allied nation is debatable. But a chief warlock receiving countless bribes from Durmstrang? It is obvious where this money comes from. The Dark lord's power does not penetrate our defenses, however his monetary influence is rather, seductive." Ivan passed the report to Dalton as he read it.

"Multiple transactions of a hundred thousand Galleons, all transferred over to an account under the name of Gabriel F Liamson." Dalton squinted at the name as he recalled.

"The French minister continues to placate the masses, preaching honor before subservience, yet he fills his pockets with the Dark Lord's money. In exchange, allowing certain things, to go unseen. It is almost certain that France has provided Karkaroff with access to critical intel regarding our trading restrictions and routes." Ivan's voice rang out.

The associates were riled up, France had long been considered the intellectual center of the wizarding world. Beuxbaton's was a grand institution that taught noble wizards, magic and tradition alike.

To believe that it's minister was discretely supporting the Dark Lord was a huge blow.

Raina frowned, "Why does the minister accept the Dark Lord's gift? As far as I know, he's quite blessed. Could it be that he's being controlled." she questioned.

Being of French descent herself, she knew noble houses did not lack money, instead they considered themselves above everyone else. For them to accept a donation or bribe was to lower their dignity.

"Their Ministry of Magic has its halls lined with executive warlocks and curse breakers. To suggest even the minute possibility of their failure to protect their own minister, it is not just illogical but also delusional" Ivan retorted.

"Besides, had their chief warlock shown even the slightest hint of being compromised, the French would have immediately opted to replace him. Liamson might seem pompous and conceited, but he holds his opposition under an iron grip." He said.

"What seems to be your conclusion?" Dalton interrupted, knowing Ivan would not have brought it up without implicating evidence.

"Liamson does not lack money, but what he does lack, is lineage. His only living descendant, his granddaughter, Aimie Francis. Rather unfortunately, she's ill. His family has been afflicted with a blood curse. A magic so vile, it has been lost to history for centuries."

"Recently there have been rumors, of her untimely recovery. Many consider it a miracle...The Dark Lord is said to have dabbled in numerous dark arts. Perhaps, it is not just money that he offers Liamson, but a cure." Ivan suggested.

"You mean to say, the chief warlock turned to betrayal for his own kin" Dalton contemplated.

Ivan nodded as he continued, " The factors concerning his betrayal might be presumptions, however his loyalty has certainly been compromised."

"A betrayal has no excuse, once we're done dealing with the death eaters, Liamson will pay the full price." Dalton declared, standing up.

"How far are we to deciphering the Binding Contract?" He inquired.

"Progress has been faster than expected. We'll have complete access to it by the end of this week. Perhaps even sooner." Ivan replied.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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