
106. Human Decency

"Xiao Bai, Are you okay? If so, can you please get off me and wear some clothes?"

Then he put his attention to Xiao Bai lying on him, Whose eyes were misty and the strand of her saliva was dripping out of her mouth.

Her cheery-like lips were half open, showing her little big fang tooth. Seeing her like this, Alex felt that she might bite him any moment now. This is what cats do, When they want something.

By something I mean sex, If anyone does not get it, Which I doubt. 

"Xiao Bai, Get off me please."

Alex once again said as he kept looking at the weird look in her eyes, Maybe her ears were so sensitive and his touching them flicked a switch in her mind.


Xiao Bai just lay her naked body on top of him and spoke, It's hard for her to speak a human language for now. She needs time to get used to it. It's a good thing that she was born with an inherent knowledge of English. 


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