

"I just feel sorry for you. Because I still remember when you told me that you had been a night butterfly for a long time and it was because of your father's coercion. I know you've swallowed the bitter pill long ago. So I'm quite sorry for you," explained the boy with a stout body. that big. "So you still have heart and pity for me?" asked Jihan in surprise. "Yes, of course," answered Boy firmly. "Why didn't you let me run away from Josh. You helped Josh catch me instead. You're the same as mayor Josh!" blurted out Jihan in annoyance. "Hey stupid! It's good that you can still be saved by me. I work like this too to make a living. There's no way I can get out of this job that makes a lot of money," Boy exclaimed clearly. Jihan glanced at Boy annoyed. "I even dared to leave my job even though I earned a lot of money. Because my heart was not calm while doing that job. I even dared to live in the village and live a simple life..you know? I had planned to use the train to go to the village. take it to the helicopter and get here. It really hurts," said Jihan with a furious face. "I can't leave this job. Maybe it's because my lifestyle is too high. So if I lose this job maybe I'll go crazy," cried Boy fearfully thinking of his poor self. "You cowardly man!" blurted out Jihan boldly. "It's up to you what you want to say to me," Boy stood up quickly then looked at Jihan and the dirty sheets. Boy also saw an empty medicine. "Oh my God! This room is so dirty," exclaimed Boy, looking at the pants Jihan was wearing. "Hehehe, you already know right? What does all this mean? Just watch out if you dare say that to your crazy boss!" Jihan threatened Boy with a serious face. "Yeah, yeah yeah. I won't say anything to Josh," Boy said then walked out of the room. He also locked the golden door tightly. "Heh, damn it. He should have forgotten to lock the door," Jihan groaned inwardly. Now Jihan re-eats burgers and hot coffee drinks. He needed a lot of energy to face Josh this time. She had to stay alert and not let Josh caress her in this room.

I can't sleep in my apartment. Because he kept thinking about Jihan's condition. I can't go back home. Because later my mother will definitely lecture me. My business to take care of Jihan is also not finished. Maybe I should tell about Jihan to Sam the clerk at my office. "Could you come to my apartment?" I asked Sam. He immediately agreed without saying anything. A few minutes later. The man with old-fashioned hair and glasses came. I just got up from my couch. "Okay, sit down I'll be serious with you," I said to Sam. He just sat down on the sofa. "I really don't know what to do and you are the only person who can keep a secret. So I'm trying to save a girl named Jihan and she is being arrested by the mayor. Jihan was taken in a helicopter and I'm very worried about Jihan's condition now Can you trace where Jihan is?" I asked seriously. Sam looked the other way seriously. "Maybe you can find a hacker," I said to Sam. "I'm the perfect hacker to solve your problem," said Sam flatly. "Oh no way. So you've been a hacker all this time?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah I'm a hacker and you have to keep it a secret," Sam said firmly to his boss. "Okay boss! This time I'm your client," I said ready. Now I order Sam to track where Jihan is. After Sam uses the laptop to fiddle with Atik. Now he knows where Jihan is. "Let's go there right now," said Sam firmly. I was really surprised by the work. Now Sam got in the car and he was driving slowly. The house, which is located near the beach, belongs to the mayor, quite far away. I kept telling Sam. To be fast to go. The car went fast. A few hours we arrived at an urban area close to the beach. The car stopped in a parking lot. "Maybe we should just walk to get to the house. Besides, so that no one gets suspicious," I took Sam's suggestion. Now I'm down with sam. Trying to walk casually blending in like the others. On a deserted street. Sam and I immediately chose that path. After that clearly visible a beach with the sea. Even though it is night, the lights here are so lively. Now it's clear what house Sam is referring to. "Are you sure this is the house?" I asked Sam seriously.

"I'm pretty sure this is mayor Josh's house," Sam replied, looking at his phone screen. "Okay, okay I will enter this house through the back," I said confidently. "I don't need to come with you do I?" asked Sam. "Not already. You just keep it in the car. If I manage to get Jihan away from here. You have to be ready by car. You shouldn't ignore your cellphone. Because this will be very serious," I said confidently. Now Sam went leisurely. While I looked around first. No one is paying attention to me now. Now my feet are walking quickly and running towards the back of this very nice looking house. The place behind the house is very dark. Luckily I brought my cell phone. I walked through the bushes. Now I've caught a door. Good thing the door wasn't locked. I just walked in sneakily. I looked around and found that no one was here. This time I was very lucky. "Jihan? Where are you?" I asked out loud. I saw a golden door. I'm pretty sure Jihan was in that room. I approached the door with my ear to the door. "Jihan? Are you in there?" I asked out loud and I could hear Jihan's voice calling my name. "Aslan? I'm here!" I just banged on the door but only one bang. Suddenly the sound of the door opening was heard. It must be the mayor and his men. I immediately hid on the table with the cupboard in it. "He's still inside right? Have you fed him?" I can clearly hear the man's voice. I'm pretty sure it was Josh. "Then I will rest first," now another voice heard me. Maybe it was his assistant. Now I can hear the sound of footsteps entering the room. The door wasn't closed yet. I just came out of hiding and saw through the door the state of the room.

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