
Saving Amber

Quick notice before I start I don't know the exact time that the half of Amber's maiden powers get taken away so I just decided to get this out the way.If I'm wrong then I'm very Sorry.


It's been two days since Jaune unlocked the Mal from the System and tomorrow is when Amber is Sid to be attacked by Cinder.Jaune had just been doing his usual exercises and he's gotten use to them.He also started developing abs which no one has noticed yet except him, maybe it's because the clothing he wears is a bit baggy.Anyways Jaune is now getting g ready to leave to save Amber, he wants to get near to the location a day earlyso he can be ready.Of course his parents won't just let him leave to go wherever so he made an excuse of going with his older sister Saphron back to her home with her wife.Saphron has recently bought a new home and it's close to where the scene is going to take place, but at the same time not to close for them to get involved.Jaune has finished packing his bag and heads downstairs where his sister and her wife are waiting for him.

[Jaune please behave and don't give your sister too much stress] Jan's mother says to Jaune.

[I won't] Said Jaune, his parents and his sister think he's going with then to see around the place and maybe think about his future since his parents don't want him to be a huntsman.

[Alright let's go] Saphron says as she and her wife get into a cab with Jaune and they drive off.

(Time Skip 3 hours later)

They have finally arrived and Jaune got out of the car and helped with the bags of his sister and her wife whose name is Terra.The bags were light and they should be because of all the training and his strength stat, these bags were literally as light as a feather.

[Jaune are you sure you can carry all of those bags]Terra said worried about Jaune and not wanting him to get hurt.

[Its alright, these bags are pretty light] Jaune replies walking towards their house.Saphron is shocked to see Jaune carry all of those bags.Thise bags are especially heavy and Jaune is just lifting it like it's no problem.Even using her Aura she couldn't lift it by and her father also had struggle lifting it.She was suspicious of her brother but for now she'll let it slide past her.Jaune got in the house after Terra unlocked it and looked around it was very nice.Jaune compliment the house and got a thank you from Terra.After settling in Terra was going to make dinner, but Jaune said he'd do it.Saphron at first was very skeptical of letting Jaune cook, but Jaune wasn't just exercising while doing nothing he also got a few new skills from doing things around the house.



{Skill:Beat making(max)}

{Skill:Instant Read(Max}

To say Jaune was bored to go and max out a Beat making skill was an understatement, but that's not the point.Jaune was able to make a meal so good everything else you eat would taste like trash and once he made this meal Saphron and Terra were amazed at this food, calling it delicious would just be disrespectful.After the surprisingly good meal.Everyone went to sleep except Jaune who left a Shadow Clone in his bed and went in an Empty Id to do a little more training before it was time.

(Time Skip to the Morning 6:00 am)

Jaune woke up at his usual time and started doing his workout quest.As he was doing his workout shirtless Outside, Saphron and Terra woke up as well trying to organize the rest of the house.They looked out the window and were shocked to see Jaune outside working out.As soon as he stood ip massive blushed appeared on both of their faces as Jaune was ripped.

[How could I not notice how ripped he was]

Saphron said to herself while trying to fight off the blush she had for her own brother.Terra who heard her just nodded not being able to say anything from shock.When Jaune was done he made Breakfast for the three of them and they are in silence.Jaune not knowing why it was so quite asked the two girls sitting across from him.

[Is everything alright, you guys seem more quite then usual] Jaune said to the two.Saphron and Terra blushed remembering what they saw and Jaune noticed, Saphron the said

[No everything is alright we just wanted to eat breakfast in peace] Saphron said saying the first thing that came to her head.Jauen just nodded and continued eating.After they were done eating Jaune said he was going to head out to explore.As he went out he checked the time and saw he had a long while until it was time and decided to head to a library to see if there were any books that he hadn't read yet.Jaune also went around looking at all the other shops and entertainment they had around.Jaune also noticed there was going to be a

Competition that would be held soon and he knew this was the competition that Pyrrha won, Jaune would make sure she wouldn't die this time around.

(Time skip to later in the night)

Jaune had gotten home and had mad dinner agian before taking a shower and going to bed.When he was sure that Saphron and Terra were asleep he set a shadow clone in his bed like the night before and head off to the area where the scene would take place.

*Its finally time* Jaune thought as he was in a tree where he could see the scene.Just then Crow and Amber walked past.He wouldn't lie to say that Amber was kinda cute but this wasn't the time for that.As they walked a little Cinder then made her appearance and after some dialogue the fight had started.As Jaune watched he waited until Cinder was about to win.Just then Jaune attacked Cinder.She was surprised to say the least because rage wasn't expecting anyone else.Jaune had then kicked her away and a quest appeared.

{Quest:Defeat Cinder Fall}


New Skill

900,000,000,000 lien

Jaune got ready to fight and before cinder could recover he used his Renewal Taekwondo Triple kick and sent three fast kicks to her chest before appearing on the other side of Cinder.Cinder was angry, she didn't know that someone powerful would be here and what made he mad was the fact that he was stronger than her.This kid was beating her around like a doll and all she could do was take it.She launched another attack but it was countered and then Jaune used his Gates of Babylon to hold her at bay.Everyone there was shocked at these Golden Portals that carried all these weapons.Jaune then pointed the tips of the weapons to Cinders neck and around her body.The next thing Jaune did frightened everyone.He realized blood lust and a freakish amount at that to the point where Cinder,Qrow and Amber were on their knees.

{New skill:Bloodlust}

{Quest Complete:Defeat Cinder Fall}


{New Skill:AFO(All For One)}


{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

{You leveled up}

Jaune then stopped his bloodlust and knocked cinder out cold.He then turned to Qrow and Amber and asked if they were okay.Qrow than spoke up and said

[Who are you kid, and why are you here]Qrow was suspicious of this kid and who wouldn't be, he just came in and saved them while they were being attacked.Jaune then Replied

[My name is Jaune Arc] he said.It was probably stupid to give up his name just like that and knowing ozpin he would be pestering him to join up with them.Jaune then turned to Amber and said

[Are you ok, I hope she didn't hurt you too much]Amber was a blushing mess right now, she couldn't find the word to respond to this man who saved her, she then built up some courage and replied

[Y-Ye-Yes I'm O-O-Ok T-Th-Th-Thank you f-for sa-saving u-us]she said in a stutter voice.She wasn't afraid of Jaune she genuinely liked him to the point where she developed a major crush on Jaune.Jaune nodded and said

[I have to go now that your safe you should probably head back to beacon]Qrow was still suspicious but agreed that the kid was tight and began going.Amber turnt back and said

[I-I Ho-hope to S-Se-see You s-so-soon]She said in he still stutter voice.Jaune thought it was very cute and just waved back and said

[Of course, I hope to see you again too~]he said in a seductive voice which just made Amber blush even harder.After they were gone Jaune turned to the knocked out Cinder and Spoke

[I know your Awake] he stated, it seemed that while Qrow was thinking of how suspicious Jaune was he forgot about Cinder completely, well that and probably the fact that he's drunk.Cinder than looked back up and said

[Since you know I'm awake then enough of these games, tell me how your so strong and what were you doing here]Jaune then released a small amount of bloodlust which made her shut up, Jaune then said

[You should have respect otherwise I'll kill you right here and now, your of no use to me]Cinder than thought of the similarities of this man and Salem, Jaune then continued talking

[I want you to go back to your boss and tell her what happened here today, tell her that I'll see her soon]Jaune said,he then sprinted away but to Cinder it looked like he just vanished.Cinder then had to go back to Salem and report her mission failure.As Jaune was going back to Saphron and Terra's house he snuck in through the bedroom window, dispelled his clone and slid into his bed to fall asleep.He would have to her even stronger because Salem was going to be his opponent soon, and the way he just messed up the time line, it wasn't going to be pretty to say the least

(Time Skip to Morning 6:00am)

Jaune woke up, did his workout and tools a shower before going to make breakfast for Saphron and Terra, he only had a few more days here before he went back home and as soon as he finished with this little vacation he would get right back to grinding.As much as he wants to work hard, it is still true that sometimes it's good to relax and take a break, going on and on will just leave you burned out and in willing to go on.Jaune would take this time to enjoy time with his Older sister and her wife, he wanted to protect them now, and if anyone tried hurting them or anyone in his new family he wouldn't hesitate to kill them were they stand.


Hello, I was thinking of doing a Huge time skip soon, like a time skip to when summer is being attacked by Salem or maybe a few weeks before that.It will stilll be a huge time skip that will get ready to put us with some of the main cast.Anyway thanks for reading and I hope to write more soon.

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