
Crusch 3

Aoi's apartment,

As much as Aoi wanted to invite them somewhere other than her messy apartment, she couldn't because most of the shops are closed in the middle of the night, so she could only bring them to her modest apartment.

It wasn't like her apartment is messy, it's just barely presentable for guests so she did a little cleaning before she invited the Karsten's inside her apartment.

After they were invited they respectfully thanked her, which made Aoi embarrassed of how formal they are as if they were nobles from somewhere which she just jinxed.

She doesn't know what to give them, but she heard that foreigners like drinking coffee, so she served them some, and as for Andromeda. Aoi gave her a can of cola to which she looked at curiously.

"What's this?" Andromeda couldn't help but ask.

Aoi was stunned at her words and replied. "You don't know what cola is? I thought everyone knew about it at this point!"

"Well, I don't," Andromeda said bluntly.

"Oh, now you know." Aoi gave her a cheeky grin, the way she acted is like that incident a while ago didn't happen at all!

Which they didn't mind, because it was better.

"Right…." Andromeda noticed something at Aoi's bookshelves, she pointed at it and added.

"W-what's that?" She was affected by what she just saw, others might not care but she was a bookworm, an introvert, she loves reading to the boot, and now she saw a book that has illustrations, it made her very interested.

Aoi followed Andromeda's gaze, and she realized that she was looking at her Light Novel collections. "Oh, my Light Novel collections? You want to read it?"

"L-light novel?! Y-you'll allow me to read it?!" Andromeda gasps in surprise like she didn't expect her to offer her to read them at all.

"Of course, it's no big deal."

Then Andromeda looks at her mother with puppy eyes, knowing that she desired to read those Light Novels. Crusch allowed her to do so.

"Go on."

After getting her mother's permission, she almost run toward the bookshelves, due to her excitement, then she slowly took a Light Novel that had a number 1 label on its side, before she open it she touched it first and thought, 'How smooth…I like the texture of this book, a Light Novel…I can't wait to read it!'

Then as soon as she opened it, she realized that it was a language that she was familiar with, Japanese. It was something that her father taught her in his free time. She thought it would be useless but right now she was proven to be wrong!

And because of this, she finally accepted that she wasn't in her homeworld anymore, but Earth where her father was born! Rather than being concerned, she was beaming in excitement! If what her father told her was true then…there are millions of books in this world!

It was like a dream come true to a bookworm like her.

But her family reaction was different from her, they were more concerned than anything. Before they arrived in Aoi's they saw hundreds of different things that don't exist in their world, they might not look surprised but they are, they knew that they weren't in their world anymore but in another world!

The only reason they're still calm is that they knew this world beforehand, it's thanks to their father, he told them many things about this world, and they believed him because the wind of untruth didn't do anything, it might sound unbelievable to them but they believed him.

Now if the information that they got from their husband/father is correct, then Subaru's family lives in this world! And they want to meet them, who wouldn't? This was a chance to meet their mother-in-law or grandparent in Leo's case.

And the woman in front of them might be related to their husband/father in some way! Because of her last name, it was the same as his!

After a moment of silence, Aoi finally decided to say. "So, let's continue the conversation that we talked about a while ago so you know Natsuki Subaru?"

From her knowledge, Natsuki Subaru was her cousin, the only son of her long-distance uncle, 18 years ago before she was even born her cousin went missing until now he remained missing and many believed that he has already died, which she also think so and then these people arrived, they are the ones who saved her from tragedy and they also know Subaru, or as they claimed they did.

It wasn't that she cared about Subaru, she never met the person so she wasn't concerned, but she was close to her auntie Naoko, everytime she mentioned Subaru, there was a noticeable pain in her expression.

She wanted her to be happy with this information that she was about to get since her saviors claimed that they know her cousin.

Crusch nodded at her and replied. "Yes, we do but first can I ask you a question?"

"Please do," Aoi said.

"Are you somehow related to Subaru?"

"Yes, somehow from what I know he's a long-distance cousin, but personally I never met him since he went missing years ago," Aoi said while looking at their reactions, and what she saw was a bit surprising as Leo frowned. Crusch had a sad expression.

Crusch detected no lie to Aoi's words, she was telling the truth she is Subaru's cousin, his family on this world, now they are really glad that they saved her from those animals, she was a family it would leave them a bad taste on their mouth if something bad were to happen to her.

"I see, thank you for answering my question. Well, we haven't introduced ourselves properly, have we? Then I shall go first. My name is Crusch Karsten Natsuki."

Then it was Leo's turn, he said. "Leo Karsten Natsuki and that girl who is currently reading is my sister Andromeda Karsten Natsuki, I'm sorry it took us a while to say our full names, we just want to be sure."

Crusch nodded at her son's words.

Hearing their full names, especially their last name 'Natsuki' Aoi puts her hands on her mouth and she gasps in surprise. "EHHHH?! YOU'RE MY COUSINS CHILDREN?!"

Crusch immediately denied her claim. "No, it's just Leo and Andromeda, I'm his wife."

"You are?! No way! You look even younger than me!" Aoi was in disbelief as she stared at Crusch.

"Do I? I'm flattered but, yes it's the truth I'm already in my forties," Crusch stated.

Aoi found it unbelievable, but she had no choice but to believe, and at the same time she was a bit jealous of Crusch if what she said was true, then she wanted to know how she could remain young all this time! She looks like she's 16!

Aside from being jealous, she is excited by the information that she got from them. If they said the truth, then her cousin Subaru is alive! If she could prove that then her auntie Naoko would be very happy with the news!

"I really want to know how you maintain your looks, but! This is more important! Since you claimed to be my cousin's wife, you know where he is right now right?!" She could barely hold shouting.

Crusch paused for a moment before answering. "Yes, I certainly do."

Due to Aoi's excitement, she stood up from the table and said, "Then! Tell me where he is!"

"Well…." Crusch looks at her son, then he nodded and continued.

"While we do know where my father is, it's a bit complicated even if we can't go there right now."

"Oh…he's busy then?" Aoi thought that her cousin was currently busy and that's why they can't go there.

"Well, he is but that's not what I mean when I say complicated. What I meant is, he's not in this world."

As soon as Leo said that, Aoi paused and then replied. "You're joking right?"

"No, I'm serious." Leo looks at her seriously.

Aoi took a deep breath and said. "Out."

"Excuse me?"


Andromeda flinched as she heard her shout, she looked at her for a moment before continuing reading the Light Novel on her hand, though it annoyed her that she called her brother 'crazy' but she'll soon understand that what he said is the truth.

Crusch somehow expected this, that's why she let her son continue, she took a sip on the coffee of her hand and thought. 'It's good.'

"Calm down, my son isn't crazy nor am, what he said is the truth but I can understand why you didn't believe us. Yes I know it's unbelievable but it's the truth we do not gain anything from lying. Leo, why not show us your wind magic for proof."

"As you are your wish mother," Leo looked at Aoi and continued. "Sorry, I'll cut some of you things since this way you'll believe us. Fura!"

Suddenly the table was sliced into half, seeing that Aoi's eyeballs almost left her eyes, then Leo used his magic once again and cut her cabinet vertically as he did a lot of porn doujinshi came out from her cabinet, at this moment Aoi screamed.


Her secrets were now exposed, right now all she wanted was to disappear from the world.


Crusch will meet Subaru's parents next.

Next chapter