
Chapter Two: System, Weapons And Childishness

Kyla was soon dismissed from the hospital she was in, and since Emiel found out that they couldn't find her in any data banks, someone would have to take care of her.

Of course Emiel immediately pushed the job to Adam. Apparently they knew each, which was obvious watching them interact, although that wasn't obvious to Kyla who didn't know anything.

Adam tried to push her off to someone else, but Emiel just forced her on Adam.

And so that's how all three of them were in the car, Adam and Emiel took to the hospital to drop Emiel back to the police station.

"I'll get someone to make you an ID when I get there. As wrong as it is, this isn't the first time people have lost their memories because of an awakened and having to get a new ID, although this is the first time we have to create one for a person who apparently never existed before." Emiel said to Kyla.

"Thank you." Kyla said she didn't know why she said it. But it felt natural, maybe she was supposed to say that whenever someone did something for her? Well, if nobody stopped her from doing that she would keep doing it.

"And Adam will take you to the Hunter Union. He'll get you registered there. After that… Well, we'll see what happens after that." Emiel said honestly.

Adam scoffed before speaking. "I still don't understand. Why am I the one who has to look after her?" Adam asked.

Emiel thought before answering. "Because she's an Awakened, and I don't know how they work. While you are an Awakened, so you'll be able to understand her more. Plus, you do sweet fuck all, it's time to get on your feet." Emiel said honestly, revealing his true plan for Adam.

Adam just groaned in annoyance, but didn't retort, knowing that Emiel was right.

Kyla just stayed quiet as the two men talked. She was interested in what they were saying or more honestly she was more interested in how they were talking to each other. She wanted to know how to interact with others and she hoped to learn more by watching others.

Adam eventually stopped the car making Kyla snap out of her thoughts and watch Emiel exit the car. "I'll meet you guys later. See ya." He said before closing the door, making the car rock a bit.

"Alright, I'm not going slow now." Adam said as he watched Emiel enter the station. The only reason he was going slow in the first place was because Emiel was in the car with him and Emiel had the right to take the car off of him. Although Adam knew he probably wouldn't, Emiel would probably threaten to. And for Adam, slow was normal moving speed of a car, and normal speed was going slightly fast, and going fast meant he was pushing the car to its limits.

The car immediately took off, the engine roaring loudly as he sped down the road. Kyla held onto the seat as she felt her body sinking into the seat from the force of going so fast.

Adam dodged and weaved in between other cars and somehow, each traffic light they went past was a green light, which Kyla had learned meant they could go, although she wished for the exact opposite right now.

They eventually slowed down and stopped outside of a tall building made out of glass, or at least it looked like that from the outside.

"Let's go." Adam said casually, but hearing no movement he looked back at Kyla. Who was digging her hand into the seat, and was clenching what he and most of the world had dubbed the 'oh shit' handle. "Relax, the car isn't moving any more." He said calmly. He hated talking that way, but sometimes he would see kids on the street after a dungeon raid when he bothered to do one and they would ask for signatures and stuff and he would have to talk like that.

Kyla let out a shaky breath while letting go of her tight brio on the things she was grabbing. "Don't do that again… please." She said, although it came out more like a beg because of her fright from that.

Adam just stifled a laugh at that. "You're going to be a Hunter soon, you'll see more scary stuff and be in more scary situations than that. Trust me." He said honestly. If she got scared from a slightly fast moving car then how would she survive as a Hunter? Although he guessed it didn't matter, he had seen some B-Rank Hunters be scared after he drove that fast as well. Was it just him who wasn't scared of going fast in a car?

Kyla just nodded her head and agreed with his words. Something was telling her that was going to be the truth. She just didn't know what.

They both exited the car and went in, Adam just went past all the people, ignoring anyone who called out to him and went into the room with Kyla behind him.

He closed the door and sat down behind a desk and started typing. "Just sit down, relax, this could take a while. Although hopefully it won't." He mumbled the last sentence.

"Ok." Kyla said before sitting down on a couch. It was very comfy. And she sunk into it a little bit, while she leaned back into and just let out a sigh of relief. This couch felt nice to sit on.

Oh, that green screen was also telling her what everything was as well. Whenever she didn't know what something was, it would just appear and tell her. Making Kyla glad to have it, although she wondered what else it could do.

When she thought that the green screen appeared it started to tell her.

[I'm a System. Your System, nobody else has a System, so you shouldn't tell anyone. Also, this is a preconstructed message, so this System will not be speaking as freely as this in the future. My job is to help you in this world. To help you as a Hunter, to get stronger. To help you learn why.]

"Why what?" Kyla asked out loud. Adam looked up from his computer at her in confusion, but seeing her not paying attention to him he figured she was speaking to herself. Not the weirdest thing he had seen anyone do, if he was being honest with himself.

[To learn why.]

It didn't give any further explanation than that. Frustrating Kyla a bit. But she forgot about her frustration when something new popped up.


Name: Kyla Solomon

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Level: 1

Class: (N/A)

Type: Battle Mage(Mana)

Mana: 100

Strength: 23

Agility: 28

Dexterity: 26

Endurance: 24

Stat Points: 0

Skills: Tongue, Army Of, -- ----, ---- -- -----, --- -- -----, ----- ----, ------ -- -----, ----- -- -----, ---- -----, ------ -- -----, ---- ---------, ----- -- -----, ----- -- -----]

Kyla looked confused as she gazed at the dashes, numbers and words on the green 'Status' screen. She understood the words, no problem, it was like the information was there. But the dash's and words had no meaning to her.

And then there was the type. Something that she could figure out. Apparently it meant what she was. Instead of a mage, she was a Battle Mage. They were different from mages in that they could use physical powers as well as magic. Although by the Mana sign at the side of it, she guessed that it meant she was more in tune with the Magic side of things then actual physical fights.

The trapping of the keyboard Adam was working on continued as he pressed the keys of it, typing whatever it was he had to do.

While Kyla continued to figure out what all of this meant. She stared at the skills for a while before something appeared. The description of the skill.

[ Tongue

Description: Allows the user to speak any language they hear. It also lets the user ----- --- ---- '------' ----- ----- ----- -----------.]

And there was the dash again, something she didn't understand despite the skill saying otherwise. Unless it wasn't a language which would make sense.

[Army Of

Description: Every monster can be under their control, if they have the power to kill it. Whenever the user kills a monster it can be turned into a summon. These monsters can be summoned by the user whenever they want, so long as nothing interferes, and are hidden in a separate space. All monsters killed are added to the Army Of]

Kyla looked at the description of the skill. That sounded useful. And it also seemed to be her main way of attacking. Although who's to say she couldn't kill a weak monster, although she didn't have any idea how strong they were, E was above F in the alphabet, so she should at least be a bit stronger.

Kyla heard Adam let out a satisfied sigh as he leaned back into his chair, turning side to side before his brack cracked. "Well, that's done."

"What do we have to do now?" Kyla asked.

Adam thought about it before answering. "Well, since it's already confirmed that you're an F-Rank Mage and your Hunter License is still processing, there's not much you can do usually." Adam said honestly.

Kyla, for some reason, felt disappointed and showed that with her body letting out an involuntary sad sigh. "... I see." She said, sadly.

"I said 'normally', didn't I?" Adam asked rhetorically. And Kyla realised that he did say that. Adam smirked seeing Kyla realise that he did. "Most would have figured it out already, but since you have no memories and barely any knowledge of the world I'll tell you. I work directly for the Hunters Union itself, so I get special privileges. And one of them is that I can let people that I know into dungeons so long as they're a Hunter, even if their license is still being processed, of course so long as I'm there to supervise them." He explained to Kyla.

This made her realise that it probably would have been obvious to anyone else. After all, she figured it wasn't like anybody could just walk in and take one of the rooms in the building.

"So," he spoke again, making Kyla's attention stick to him. "Would you like to go into a dungeon for the first time?"

Kyla's face lit up in excitement for some reason she couldn't understand. It was like she was being let back into her job that she enjoyed after so long. "Yes!" She practically shouted out.

Adam smirked with excitement. She might not be the strongest Hunter, but she certainly had the heart of one. Always excited to get into a dungeon, to kill the monsters, get the loot and not restraining their power.

"Let's go." Adam said standing up.

Kyla jumped out of her position on the couch and followed him. Although for some reason they were going deeper into the building. It didn't seem like he was lying when he promised to take her into a dungeon.

They came to a room and Adam casually opened a door walking past a person sitting on a chair reading the newspaper without a care in the world.

"Morning, John." Adam greeted but not stopping.

"Adam." John said simply. But he didn't say it as a way of getting Adam to stop, but more of a greeting.

Kyla decided to copy Adam, thinking it best to fit the situation. "Morning John." She said quickly.

John briefly looked up from the newspaper before looking down and speaking. "Newbie." He said casually, no insults in the way he said it.

Kyla followed Adam as he looked back with a smirk at the interaction between the two of them. "Hurry up, Kyla. If we don't get there quickly out position will be gone."

Kyla hurriedly followed him and now that she looked around. They were in a room filled with sharp objects, big heavy objects. And information was supplied in her head telling her that they were called weapons, with each weapon having a different name of what it was, and some having a name given from its creator. Although she couldn't tell what the last one was or which weapons had them, although the information was still available telling her that some weapons had them.

Adam picked up a few of them before putting them all beside each other on a table that was empty.

"Pick one that you want as your main weapon and one that you want as your secondary." Adam said as he pointed at the table.

There was a small collection of weapons, small because there were many more types of weapons in the room.

There was a sword, spear, bow, staff, daggers, katana which was in Kyla's opinion just a sword with one edge, shield and a gun.

Kyla looked at them confused. She had an idea of what they did and their purpose, but no idea which ones would be suited for her. "What do you think I should choose?" She asked, knowing Adam would have a better idea then her.

Adam looked at her before looking at the weapons, and repeating the process a few times before answering. "A staff for your main weapon, if you want. It's a staple of all Mages, it helps them focus their mana and actually do magic. So that could help you." Adam offered his idea.

When Adam said that Kyla thought back to her skill. It allowed her to summon monsters as servants for herself after she killed them. It didn't seem to need a staff for it.

But it was possible she would be able to cast some other magic. Like when Adam mentioned the example of using the Earth Element, but having a Healing Element skill. So maybe that would be a good idea.

Kyla nodded her head and picked the staff up. When she did, a screen appeared in front of her.

[Weapon Status

Personal Name: (N/A)

Weapon Name: Basic Wooden Staff

Weapon Rank: D

6+ Blunt Damage,

Abilities: Mana Conduitt

Description: A basic wooden staff used for magic. It has no special effect as it is just wood made into a staff and is used by mages to help them visualise a focus point for their magic. It has gained a special ability though after numerous uses, because of mana being continuously pumped into it, it has the ability to conduct mana more efficiently then a usual wooden staff.]

Kyla nodded her head and took that one. She put it on one side of the table. "I'll use that."

Adam nodded his head as well. "And for the rest of the weapons, it's all personal preference. Although I'll give some advice." Adam said honestly, but still giving his opinion. "Don't use a bow, you already have magic for long range, it's better to get something in case any monsters get past your magic. And don't use any big or heavy weapons, you already have your staff and using other things would slow you down. In my opinion, a dagger would be the best option for you. Almost all Hunters have one, but they don't use it as a weapon because it's not strong enough or they don't have practice with it." Adam said in his long explanation.

Kyla thought about it. What Adam said seemed right. Unless one had a way to suddenly pull a weapon out of nowhere, using a small and light weapon after already having a big weapon was a good idea.

Kyla picked up the daggers. Having one in each of her hands. And then the screen appeared in front of her again.

[Weapons Status

Personal Name: (N/A)

Weapon Name: Hunting Iron Daggers

Weapons Rank: D

10+ Piercing Damage

Abilities: (None)

Description: Regular Iron Daggers designed with the purpose of it being used to hunt down monsters. But most use it to open dead monsters up and get materials off of it. Making the true purpose of these weapons lost in history, with the creator being one of the few people to know of why these were created.]

Kyla nodded her head. Liking the feel of these daggers. Maybe Adam would let her keep them for later use.

Kyla looked at Adam as she held the weapons, her grip on them becoming subtly tighter, like a kid protecting one of their toys from another kid. "Can I keep these? Like forever?" She asked.

Adams wondered how she could sound so childish, and he didn't miss the way she gripped them when she asked. Adam let out a huff of amusement. "Sure, these are all mass produced weapons anyways. They're nothing special." Adam said honestly, rolling his shoulders.

Kyla looked a bit saddened when he said they weren't anything special, but got rid of that feeling quickly. They were special now. They were her weapons, something these other weapons didn't have.

"Come on, armour next, and then the dungeon." Adam said, picking up her staff as Kyla put both daggers in one hand and grabbed the staff back off Adam as he handed it to her.

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