
Chapter 74

Ryland white knuckled the steering wheel as we drove home. I couldn't sit comfortably.

"God what are they doing?" Ryland groans, making me look at him. His man hood standing erect like it was about to burst.

Ryland reaches for my hand.

"What are you doing eyes on the road"

"Just touch it, come on take one for the team, my dick feels like it's going to explode"

"No if I have to put up with it so do you" I tell him as he hits the highway.

"You've turned all boring, I should have took on the old bird, bet she would have sucked it" Ryland whines.

"You're disgusting, she had more wrinkles than my nutsack" I tell him.

"Bet she would have been a wild one back in her day" Ryland says, turning off onto the dirt road leading to the house.

Yeah maybe before world war one, seriously what is wrong with you?"

"Hey keeping my options open closer to my own age"

"That was not an image I wanted in my head" I shiver with disgust.

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