
Chapter 286 : Late entry

When Maria opened the door to the princess' chambers, eira was still under the covers in bed, probably still tired from the previous day. The nosferatu woman walked quietly towards the bed and reached for Eira, but to her surprise, the princess' eyes were open, and from the bags under her eyes, it seemed she had not slept at all.

"Eira.." Maria sat on the bed and placed a hand on Eira's forehead. "Are you okay? Do you feel unwell?"

Unwell was an understatement, Eira felt like her soul had left her body. She was tired, she was sad, she angry, and she most of all, she felt incredibly lonely. 

She sat up and gently pushed Maria's hand off her face. "I'm alright.." she mumbled as she slipped off her bed. "I just need a bath and I'll feel much better."

Maria frowned. She had never heard Eira's voice sound so incredibly sad before, it was heartbreaking, if only she could do something to help, but what?


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