
Chapter 279 : Welcome home

Eira felt a strange sensation surge through her entire body. She stopped and slightly tagged the hem of her neckline and fanned herself.

"Are you alright?" Damien asked his little cousin upon noticing she had abruptly stopped in the middle of the hallway.

The red haired princess shook her head and gave Damien a smile. "I'm alright, just felt a tad strange for a moment."

Damien walked towards Eira and gently cupped her forehead with his hand. "You don't have a fever, which is good, but your face seems a little flushed. We can cancel today's meeting with your suitors if you don't feel too well, there is absolutely no reason to push yourself."

Eira shook her head and continued walking forward, "I'm fine Damien, it's probably nothing."

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