
Chapter 249 : The unknown

Melissa was in a rather peppy mood that particular morning and her husband had not failed to notice it, she was always a rather happy woman but in this moment, she might as well have had a skip in her step. The entire morning she had been humming to herself and practically prancing around the house.

When Melissa put a plate of food in front of her husband for breakfast, he grabbed her hand before she could turn away and gave her a skeptical smile. "I do love seeing you in a happy mood my beautiful wife, but it worries me when all this joy is not my doing."

Melissa chuckled as the elf king pulled her onto his lap and gave her jaw a quick playful kiss.

"Has it finally happened? Have you found a lover to take over your husband's duties because he is too busy for you?" Gareth kissed the woman's chin and playfully nibbled in her earlobe. "Is the other man the source of all this joy?"

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