
Chapter 247 : Find your next alpha

Melissa who was just from seeing Janis off, spotted her nephew Zhelimir standing in the hallway looking like he was deep in thought. She hoped him and Eira had not had another argument, their last falling out lasted a significant number of days, and everyone worried that they would never make up.

"Zhel?" Melissa put on a friendly smile and walked up to the young man who had turned to face her and was bowing slightly.

"Good afternoon aunt Melissa, you look well."

"I wish I could say the same for you," Melissa responded. "What seems to be troubling you? Please don't tell me you and Eira have had another falling out?"

"Oh no nothing like that." Zhelimir's tone of voice was a bit jittery indicating that there indeed was something worrying him, but Melissa had just guessed it wrong.

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