
Chapter 245 : Why the change of heart

Eira paced her room as she waited for noon, she was to convene with Zhelimir in a few minutes so they could both go and see the silver haired lycan again. The last time she had spoken with her cousin he insisted that he tag along and insure her safety, Eira understood that some strange man who lived in the middle of the forest wasn't the most trustworthy figure out there, but she was now having second thoughts about it.

She definitely wouldn't be comfortable if someone came to her home unexpectedly and on top of that brought a guest with them, no one in their right mind would be happy about that. That was it, Eira had made up her mind, she would go and see him on her own today, and maybe try and take Zhelimir along another time, if she wanted to know more about him she would want him to be comfortable.

Janis knocked on the princess' slightly opened door and peeked into her room, "Eira?"

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