
Chapter 218 : Your own vows

Melissa tilted her head up when the door opened, she was about to yell at Ronda to go away but stopped when she saw queen Tauriel walk in with Estel in tow.

The elven princess rushed excitedly to Melissa's side and held her hands while admiring her, "you must be the only woman in the world who would make a baby bump look so beautiful in her wedding dress."

Melissa smiled sheepishly, "Thank you Estel.. you look absolutely gorgeous yourself. I hope when my brother counts his blessings he counts you twice."

Estel smiled but suddenly changed her expression to that of concern, "you are troubled.."

Melissa was shocked at how Estel was so good at reading people, her entire stay in Ervelon, Estel was always the first to know if something was troubling her. "It's nothing.."

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