
Chapter 215 : Elric

"Do take care of yourself sweetie," Marceline whispered while gently stroking her daughter's hair. "If you need anything, absolutely anything don't hesitate to write to me." She pulled away from the hug and gave Melissa a sweet smile, "are you sure I cannot convince you to return to the snowlands with your father and I?"

Kaiser Stefan pulled his wife away and chuckled, "oh come now Marceline, let the children enjoy some time together, they have been apart a long time.. besides, we will see them at the wedding." He winked at Gareth who was standing protectively behind his daughter, making the elven king blush slightly.

"I promise to write to you as often as I can," Melissa promised her parents, "I will walk you through everything that happens during my pregnancy.. and besides, I'll have my human mother and Maria by my side every step of the way so you need not worry."

Marceline gave Melissa one last hug and gave Gareth a grateful smile before turning away.

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