
Chapter 205 : Sister

Melissa clenched her fists and hovered in front of the strange being who was coming towards her, whatever this thing was had to be destroyed, she would figure out what it was later, after it was dead. With all the strength she could muster, Melissa released a devastating shriek.

The waves of sound traveled across the sky and rammed against the flying creature, flinging it backwards. The man-like creature fell backwards and collided with the other creatures that followed it. It shock it's head before spreading it's massive wings yet again, and glared at Melissa, surprised at the power she possessed.

When Gareth heard the shriek from above, he immediately knew where it had come from, he had heard that battle cry before. "Mel.." he gasped. He was confused when he saw her flying across from the creature ready to attack it, if that dark entity was on Elric's side, why was it fighting Melissa. Unless..

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