
Chapter 202 : Ride to war

Marceline could tell that her daughter was not at ease with all that was happening, she had been pacing the room for hours, she barely ate and she barely slept.

"Melissa please don't worry too much-"

"How can I not worry!" Melissa blurted out before falling onto the bed and burying her face in her palms. "I'm sorry, I just feel so useless. How can I just sit by and wait for Gareth and Elric to slit each other's throats over a baby that I clearly know who the father is."

Marceline looked at her daughter and scoffed, She was as harded as she was, not wanting to sit by when she could do something about a situation. "And what do you plan on doing?"

Melissa rose from the bed and turned to her mother, "I'm going to put an end this, I'm going out there."

Marceline stood up and walked towards her daughter, "I had anticipated that you would say something like that, and that's why I took the liberty of reaching out to your father for a bit of help."

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