
Chapter 199 : Escape

Gareth was looking out of his study window when the door opened and his brother walked in. "Any word from the lycan?"

"Nothing yet," Finwe responded before pulling a chair out for himself and sitting down. "And tomorrow is his last day, maybe he thinks we are bluffing."

"Or he would rather go to war than give Melissa up, his obsession with her really knows no bounds does it?"

"I'm not saying I agree with him," Finwe mumbled, "but I definitely do understand where he is coming from. Who would want a woman like that to slip right through their fingers?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing brother, he is definitely obsessed," Finwe chuckled. "Anyway, I did not come here to discuss my dear sister in law."

Gareth turned around and walked to where his brother was sitting, "what's the matter?"

"Aiden and Theodora, they're up to something," Finwe responded, "they have a hidden agenda other than helping you with your cause, I don't trust them."

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