
Chapter 176 : I want you to be mine

Kazan walked slowly towards his master's bed and sat down on a chair adjacent to it. 

"Has he returned?" The withered old man murmured.

Kazan shook his head and sighed, "no, not yet your eminence, I fear the worst." 

Renly always made a habit of returning to the hideout every three days to give a report of whatever intel he had gathered, but today was the fourth day and there was still no sign of him.

"perhaps he traveled far this time around," the man spoke, "he is only a day late after all."

"Renly usually informs before he leaves if he suspects the journeys will take longer than three days," Kazan explained, "this is unlike him, something must be wrong."

The old man looked up at the ceiling and hummed in thought, "give him twenty four hours. If he still has not returned by this time tomorrow, we will assume he has been taken by the enemy and plan accordingly" 

"Understood your eminence."

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