
Chapter 166 : Return of the prince

The caravan of five hundred elf and dwarve soldiers moved at a steady pace towards Gavaria. They had finally emerged from the enchanted forest and were now moving through the outer shires of the kingdom that were littered with small huts and fields.

"I can't remember the last I was here," Aiden commented as he watched the small huts slowly pass by. "It looks so quiet and deserted."

"I don't think time has anything to do with the desertion of the outer shires," Gareth commented as he furrowed his brows. These parts were mostly inhabited by the poorer people of the kingdom, small time farmers who lived simple lives. Their absence here might have had something to to with the new government put in place.

"What do you think happened?" Ivan muttered 

"I have a hunch," Zander replied, "it might have something to do with a silver haired power crazed lycan."

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