
Chapter 117 : The marble palace

It didn't take long for news of Aiden and Estel's expected baby to spread among the people, and with it brought rise different emotions towards the pregnancy. Some thought of it as a miracle, a divine gift from the gods and they would flock to the residence of the couple and take many gifts for the baby. Others feared it, saying no living soul should be able to possess the magic of an elf and the strength of a nosferatu, claiming it would bring unbalance to the world.

Aiden and Estel on the other hand couldn't care less about what anyone thought of their child, they were too ecstatic about the mere fact that they had managed to convince a child. Estel would roam around the newly established town talking to her now slightly protruding tummy while Aiden had become extremely doting and overprotective. He even pushed the wedding till after the baby was born claiming that he didn't want to stress Estel.

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