
Chapter 87 : Let’s run away

"I'm sayin you can't dictate what happens to her elf! The princess is not your wife."

Adam's eyes flared purple and the dark Aztec like markings printed visibly on his forehead. The two nosferatu women were shocked when a wall seemingly made of solid air pushed them away from the elven prince and Ella.

"I won't allow anyone to take Ella away from me," Adam spoke coldly, his vivid purple eyes drilling holes into Vivian and Maria. "You're not welcome here, you should leave."

"Be realistic Adam!" Maria screamed at the man while pounding her fist into the invisible wall of air, "How long do you think her husband is going to keep away? You have no army, you have no men! You can't keep her from him and neither can you keep her away from her people!"

Maria suddenly stepped back and grabbed her neck with one arm and started chocking. "What's going on-"

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