
Chapter 82 : Spellbinding [PG18 warning]

The caravan moved in slow gallops along the narrow dirt path within the woods, with Zander who knew the terrain best at the front, followed by Adam and Ella, then Ivan, Beric, Odran, Ozias and Roland at the end. Night had fallen and the temperatures had dropped tremendously to the point that all the men were shivering whenever a cold breeze blew past them.

Ella sneezed for the fifth time since they had entered the woods and sniffled. "Hold the lead line," Adam instructed the redhead. The woman was a bit hesitant but eventually took hold of the horse. The prince took his cloak off and wrapped it around Ella.

"Adam it's freezing, you need your cloak." Ella spoke to the man who was securing the garment around her.

"I'll be fine," he responded softly and kissed the top of her head. "If you're going to keep me safe we need to keep you from getting sick."

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