
Chapter 52 : The wedding

"It isn't fair, prince Nathan was supposed to marry me.."

"Oh give it a rest, he doesn't even know you exist."

"And how could he when his bride is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom."

"You've seen her before?!"

"Of course I have, my father is part of the council so I do have a bit of access to the royal palace, I saw the two of them in gardens one time, gosh she is lovely."

"Well tell us! What does she look like?!"

"Long flowing ginger like red hair, big blue eyes, the body of a goddess..."

"Wait, that sounds a lot like William's little sister.."

"That's the one."

"Oh, well I could never beat her, I guess I'll just have to forget about my prince."

"Shush the lot of you! More guests are coming."

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