
Chapter 38 : The prophecy

The wagon that contained prince Adam and his men parked outside a small inn in the Merian capital. Still wearing is fake stash and beard, prince Adam walked into the inn and placed five gold coins in front of the inn keeper.

"I'd like to rent out your establishment for the next couple of days please."

The fat old man behind the counter looked at the five gold doubloons with a twinkle in his eyes, with that kind of money he could open a whole new inn with change, who was this man?

"And I'd appreciate your discretion of course," Adam added on, "We don't want anyone knowing we're here and we don't want any visitors."

"Of course sir, I'll make sure you have your privacy even if I have to guard the doorway myself!"

The plump man practically scrambled the coins up as he handed the front door keys to Adam.

"Do you need any help with your bags sir?"

"No need," Adam responded, "We travelled light."

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