
Chapter 36 : Fangs

Jonathan and Alexander Morrell were both tall, fair skinned handsome young knights. Both had tasseled dark brown hair and very muscular physiques, people could barely tell them apart, the only difference between them was that Jonathan had deep brown eyes like his father, while Alexander had blue eyes like his mother.

The two young knights were having a swig of ale each at the bar, surrounded by hordes of beautiful girls as usual when one of the girls rushed towards them with a parchment in hand.

"Alex, Jon," the girl was panting heavily, she looked like she had ran all the way to the bar, "A letter came for you, it's from your brother William and it seems important."

The twins glanced at each other and both reached for the letter. Their eyes trailed over its contents carefully before they both abruptly stood up.

"Ella is in trouble!" The twins spoke on unison.

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