
The Punching Game.

''Amour!'' King Arawn's crisp voice reverberated across the air. The nearby pedestrians turned around, watched the tall man with curious expressions. They wondered why he wore animal fur as clothing, and why he held a one-handed axe over his right shoulder.

''Sigh, what?'' Amour's window shopping was interrupted by Arawn's loud voice. He turned to see Arawn standing beside a roadside stall. They were currently near the Arena, which had a lot of different roadside stalls filled with food, and different amusements.

Arawn stood beside a roadside stall that had a punching game. There was a punching bag with a row of numbers on top. Next to it was a leaderboard. The top ranked reached a punching power of 7986.

After punching the bag, it would calculate the punching power. An average human would have around 500, a stronger human around 1000. Thus, the current top ranked had the punching power worth of seven very strong humans.

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