
Isaac Vs. The Unknown Entity.

''Kruh, krah!'' The leading Orc commanded the rest of the Orcs to go after the white-haired human.

The Orcs looked reluctant and even fearful when looking at the Centipede's body, but soon, their bloodlust and hunger defeated the fear.

They had some difficulties starting the climb with their massive bodies, but the spikes managed to carry their heavy bodies, and slowly, they started making their way to the top.

Only the leading Orc was left in the ground, but even he started climbing rapidly with hot breath leaving its disgustingly large mouth.

Isaac, who had reached the halfway mark on his climb, noticed the scene of green-skinned monsters coming after him.

''Haaahhh...'' He wiped his sweat and leaned closer to the purple armor, which made his posture rock solid.

After stabilizing his current position, he grabbed his Musket Rifle from his back and took five bullets from his leather pouch.

He started reloading, and soon the chamber was full.

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