
The nothern war


After joining Fram in Seregost and merging both of their armies, Baranor leads the troops toward the wall built by Fram in the valley.

In total, two thousand men are marching to war, ready to fight and stop the Khand's men from going to Seregost.

This strategic location is of utmost importance, defending it would be easier than defending a siege.

The army Baranor is leading is composed of multiple units.

Each one of them includes approximately a hundred soldiers, this way, the army is more diverse and is ready to face different situations that may happen.

In these units, we find lots of archers, be it men or orcs.

These archers can be separated into two different groups.

The first group is composed of Ologs and orcs. This unit is from Seregost and was trained by Wulf. Their specialty is using burning arrows and quick reload, this way they can harass their enemy.

The seconds unit was formed under Baranor, they are wearing heavy armor and possess longbows.

These archers are specialized in precision and heavy damage.

Apart from the archers which are numerous, there are some melee soldiers.

One of these units is specialized in defense, their main weapons are a huge shield with a long spear.

They are there to defend against the horsemen of the enemy army.

Khand is a country very similar to Rohan, they are both focusing on horses, especially in battle.

Knowing this, Fram prepared some traps and chose his units accordingly.

Among them, there is also a group of spearmen, to stop the enemy cavalry, it is essential to fight them with spear units, or else your army will be decimated.

And this, Fram, knows it.

Together with Baranor and Wulf, they are marching toward the valley.

The valley is three hours on foot.

They quickly arrived at the high wall in the valley.

As soon as they set foot, Fram turned around, facing the two thousand or so soldiers, and announced.

"War is near, the enemies are numerous, and they will be here soon, this will be a tough battle, some of you will die, but this is necessary, we are here to protect our future, and we must defend the wall with everything we have, we mustn't let them pass, together we will prevail !"

Following his little speech, the crowd erupted in cheer.

Then Baranor quickly ordered

"Archers on the wall! I want some soldier behind them to help them recharge their stocks, and to protect them if the enemies escalate the wall, for the other, you will stay behind the wall and wait for further instruction"

Following his order, the troop's March toward the wall and position themselves.

After some time, the soldiers are ready and waiting for the enemies.

While they are waiting, Fram is seen floating in the sky, observing the field in front of the valley, ready to activate his trap.

Not far from there, the enemy is marching

The first army, composed of 10000 men is approaching.

In this one, we find a lot of cavalries.

These are heavily armored and are well trained.

Ready for war, they are powerful, their horses are big and strong, their spears are well-forged and their armors are the best found in Khand's.

We can also see some footmen, wearing light and heavy armor, with all kinds of weapons.

A part of them is pushing 4 huge battle rams and some siege towers.

While these two types of soldiers are the majority of the army, there are also some archers present in the army.

They are marching toward the valley, ready for war.

While they are marching, some of the soldiers wearing war drums are singing war songs and praising their evil God.

In front of this army, mounting his horse, the general of the army is already planning the siege in his mind.

Knowing one of the essential aspects of war, which is stamina, he understands perfectly well that resting is important, and plans to rest at night before beginning the siege.

After all, his army went directly from Khand to Seregost with little rest, they only took some small breaks to eat and drink, and hydrate their horses.

The general passes his order among his men, tonight they will arrive near the enemy fortress, and this will be the time to rest before the battle, the siege will begin when the sun rises.

As the sun sets, and light gradually disappears, the enemy light some torches, making them visible.

Fram, can clearly see them approaching.

They are near, and seeing them, he heads towards Baranor.

Seeing the lights too, Baranor prepares his troops for battle.

While Baranor is giving orders, Fram approaches him and says "Baranor, the enemy is near, this will be a tough battle we may face two armies, one with 10000 men, the other with approximately 7000 men. I will fly over them and activate my traps at the beginning of the battle, you know what to do after this ?"

"Don't worry about it, I fought a lot and I know perfectly well what you are thinking, but are you strong enough to pull this off ?" ask Baranor with a smile, confident, no traces of nervousness or worries can be seen at all on his face, or in his manners.

Fram, excited about what is coming answers "Yes, I will do the job perfectly well"

"Then that's perfect, I'll organize the troops while you are preparing, we'll show them the power of our kingdom!"

"Right, they will feel our might !" says Fram while grinning.

Immediately, Fram flies up in the air at the wall, looking far ahead.

While Fram goes up, Baranor positioned his archers on the wall behind the protection that was built to stop the enemies' arrows.

The elite of the army is constituted of the Ice Olog of the north. Living in the cold, they are stronger, bigger, and more resistant than your average Olog.

Trained by Wulf and led by him, they are good fighters and are well organized.

As for their weapons and armors, they wore a black chestplate, which is made of Morgul, a strong ore that came from the mountains of shadow. Apart from their chestplate, they are covered in black armor, which makes them look more sinister than they already are. This armor covers their entire skin, leaving no opening and turning them into an impenetrable fortress.

Their weapons are war hammers, battle axes, and broadswords. Among them, there are also Ologs whose arms are covered by long, sharp blades, the end of which looks like a pickaxe.

In total, this legion is composed of a hundred Olog-hai, it is the strongest legion in the north, and the second in the entire army of the kingdom of light.

These war beasts are waiting in line, behind the wall, ready to pounce and destroy their opponent.

Wulf is in front of them, mounting his white warg, he too is ready for war, licking his lips, with his cursed blade.

After some time, you can hear a faint sound on the wall, this one is coming from the enemy.

Their war chants are heard, even if it is faint, the sounds of their steps are nearing.

With the appearance of this sound, the men are nervous, even if they were trained, and they are now good warriors

Feeling this in his men, Baranor calms them down with some quick words.

While this is happening, the orcs are happier than ever, these warmongering creatures desire war, and in the war, they are themselves, because war is part of them.

As times pass by, the sound gets closer, they are nearing, the light of their torches can be seen, and they are close, their footsteps are loud, and thousands and thousands of men are approaching at a fast pace.

In Khand's army, the general orders in a loud voice "Quick ! we are close, we will rest once we are close enough, and after this, we will show them the power of Sauron's trusted allies !"

Answering his words, his men shout "Ahou, Ahou, Ahou !"

But, as they are marching, they don't know the danger they will face, and, even if they are the best Khand has to offer, a large army is waiting for them.

Nearing, they approach the wall, and, Fram above them, wait patiently till they make their way in front of the wall.

And, after some time, a foot soldier falls into a pit and is killed on the spot, pierced by a wooden stake.

Upon seeing that, the general stops and his army follows behind him, seeing his soldier falling through a trap, he connects the dot immediately and orders " Soldier! Defend ! We are being ambushed by some piece of shit !"

Thanks to the night fog, nothing can be seen beyond 50 meters, the wall is 100 meters in front of them and they can't even see it.

Quickly, Khand's men positioned themselves.

But, not seeing clearly in this fog with his new power, Baranor shouted " FIRE NOW!"

Following his words, hundreds of arrows are shot at the enemy.

Not knowing where the attacks come from the enemy is destabilized, some of them are killed by the arrow, and being ambushed, anxiousness grows in their ranks.

Trying to restore order in his ranks, the general shouted "Quick take hold of yourself ! prepare to fight !"

But, Fram wants to push the nail to activate his traps.

And then, a series of explosions occur.


Seeing back what I wrote, well I like it and I remember liking writing for others, make me want to retake this seriously.

Next chapter