
Attack on Cirith Ungol - Arc rise of the light kingdom


Third POV:

At the same time, in Minas Ithil, a black magic envelops the city. Under this black magic, the white walls of the city are tinged with a green glow and the tower of the moon becomes the tower of sorcery.

Under the influence of the Nazguls this city is remodeled into an evil fortress, its walls, its glow, this city that was the pride of Gondor is now a cold, icy and evil.In its surroundings, the vegetation rots and decays, the evil that emanates from it affects the air, which is filled with darkness and becomes oppressive.

Minas Ithil has become Minas Morgul, seat of the Nazguls, city of the Witch King.


`Lothlorien, Caras Ghaladhon`

In the capital of the woodland elves, Lady Galadriel is devastated after a terrible vision and experience.

She saw her protected being killed, and her light being swallowed up in an unfathomable abyss. The vision of this abyss, this abyss that noticed her presence and looked directly at her, sent a chill through her spine.

Hurrying to see a vision in her mirror, she witnessed with horror the rise of a new evil in Mordor, even more dangerous than the dark lord. Without waiting any longer, she rushes to gather the council of wizards and kings.


Meanwhile, Talion's army is rapidly approaching the fortress of Cirith Ungol.

The army advances by night as silently as possible, the objective is to make a lightning attack and not to be spotted before the arrival of the army. For this Captain Luga and his assassins killed the orcs in the guard towers on the way.

After some time the army finally arrived in front of the fortress with the desired effect. The orcs in the fortress are unprepared and seeing an army coming their way, they are caught off guard and have to prepare themselves.

With Talion's army properly positioned, he sounds the charge and marks the beginning of the war with Sauron.

The orcs of the first line run towards the walls, the siege beasts fire projectiles towards the archers towers while the orcs of the second line run towards the walls.

Upon reaching the gate, the assaulting orcs mount the battering ram and attempt to breach the gate with force, meanwhile, some of the attacking forces carrying ladders set them up on the walls and climb them to storm the walls.

Meanwhile the defenders face internal problems, Talion having infiltrated forces inside the city, they found the right time to do internal damage, despite this, they are quickly disposed by the enemy captains, who with the help of Graug, rush to the door to welcome the troops of Talion.

Talion has climbed the walls, leaving the command of the battle to Idril, after having climbed the walls, he assaults the archers positioned to reduce the damage in his army.

After a few minutes of battle he encounters an archers captain who challenges him. Talion shoots daggers in his direction and then follows with two arrows, one in the feet and one in the head. The captain blocks the arrow to his head but is not fast enough to block the second arrow which freezes him in place.

Attempting to respond he fires three flaming arrows simultaneously at Talion who avoids them by teleporting behind the captain, and cuts off his head without any form of mercy, then turns and continues his slaughter on the walls.

After some time Talion's orcs break through the first line of defense and effectively capture the gate. The captains split up and invade the fortress from all sides.

Talion follows his troops and pushes towards the entrance of the second wall, the inner walls, on his way many enemy orcs try to stop him but none of them come out alive, dying under his blade.

Once he arrives in front of the wall, the supreme warlord of the fortress comes out of his big tower, cheered by his troops, and announces to Talion

"Ranger! You came here to die! You and your traitorous dogs will have your throats slit and you will hang on the walls of this fortress, the black lord will make you his slave!"

Talion, preferring to laugh at these threats, announces to his troops, "Before you lie the final battle line, do not fail, raise your weapons and destroy the enemies!"

With this announcement, the troops are galvanized, and under the orders of Idril the assault is led on the walls, she distributes the various forces present and easily optimizes the various fields of battle, by sending specialized troops against the various captains, before the battle, Talion got inside information, which include the weakness of various captains.

Taking advantage of these information, Idril lead the army flawlessly. Rampaging against the orcs and uruks, all her talent shine, like a war goddess she slaughters every orcs in her way.

This excellent distribution of forces, combined with the military strategies she employs, especially in the formation of troops, the positioning of troops at a distance, cumulated with her excellent decision making, makes her a formidable general.

The balance quickly leans towards Talion's troops.

Several battlefields are formed, the largest at the gate of the second wall, the defenders being equipped with defensive shields and forming a solid line, this one is difficult to cross. But this is without counting the foresight of Idril, she sends on this battlefield ologs, powerful and big, they are able to pierce the lines and allow the warriors to penetrate them.

On the walls ladders are placed, the fight rages on the walls, to push the enemies, Idril sends wild orcs, fierce, skillful, powerful, they push the enemy troops, and allow the archers to settle in the enemy-free pockets of the walls.

These archers can shoot directly at the enemies below, and do great damage in the enemy lines.

Then, to encircle the enemy, they send another division of warriors through the walls, these have the mission to trap the enemy's internal troops, once on the walls, they go down through the enemy towers to flank in the back, separating their forces and thus creating three fronts on which they must defend.

These three fronts allow to divide their forces, by dividing them Idril ensures the victory on each front.


On his side, Talion heads to the stronghold of the fortress, the home of the supreme leader, to kill the snake you have to cut off its head.

Talion makes his way through the stronghold decimating the guards on his way, one after the other, and after a while he arrives in front of a large room, the throne room.

Pushing open the doors, he enters and comes face to face with the supreme leader sitting on his throne, he looks at Talion with a mocking look, playing with a knife, then straightening up, he says to Talion:

"Grave walker, I see that you have directly surrendered to me, it will save me the time from looking for you everywhere, you are courting death!" He shouts before standing up, grabbing his sword and running towards Talion.

Talion bends his bow and shoots at the feet of the orc, but this one wearing a heavy armor is insensitive to the arrow, Talion shoots an arrow next to him that goes behind his head. Once behind his head, he switches places with the arrow and strikes with his sword in the direction of the orc's neck.

But the orc blocks Talion's blade with a smirk and exchanges sword blows with Talion. The orc is a master of combat and has many tricks, but it's not enough to stand up to Talion, losing ground and receiving multiple cuts, he jumps back and throws a smoke bomb on the ground, hiding himself.

Talion, who can see into the world of the spectres, using this mode of vision, is able to distinguish the movements of his opponent who is approaching behind him, and then tries to assassinate him. Talion takes advantage of the situation, dodges his opponent's blade and plants his own in his belly, and then follows up with a second lateral blow, which is dodged by the supreme leader, who is holding his belly and says.

"I see that you are a sneaky rat, grave walker, well, you'll taste my art" licking his sword, then he takes out a second sword from his armor, turns it in the air before charging at Talion.

The orc's speed of execution doubles, he becomes faster, more powerful, and more precise as if the wound enraged him, he is using all his strenght.

With his two blades it is now easier for him to match Talion, but Talion gets tired of this fight and uses more strength in each blow pushing the orc back more and more, who cannot match Talion's formidable strength.

Talion is more precise and faster than his opponent, who can't follow his movements and is quickly dismembered.

After a frenzied fight, the latter pronounces this sentence: "Well, you won, you killed me, but don't be under any illusion, if it's not me who'll get you, it'll be just someone else" before being decapitated by Talion, tired of his childish provocations.

Once the fight is over, Talion leaves the room and goes to the balcony of the tower, to speak to his troops.

Once on the balcony, he sees that the fortress has been taken, his army stands before him, cheering and shouting in victory.

Standing in front of them, they fall silent, then Talion shouts "Today we have won, we have proved our power to the world. Seeing us triumphant, they tremble with fear, for they know that we will come to finish them off. The sun rises over Mordor. The sun rises for the Lord of Light!"

After his statement, Talion materializes a blue spear and strikes the ground, using his magic and infusing it into the fortress, he modifies it and transforms it to his vision, while the troops cheer him on.


After the battle, Talion finds Idril organizing the troops after the victory.

"Idril, I would like you to take care of the fortress, and train with the captains at the same time, I'm going to Nurn's fortress further south, I'm going to prepare its conquest"

"Huh? B- But Talion I can be useful with you, we could leave the fortress to an orc while I help you " Idril answers

"Listen Idril, it's not that you won't be useful, but you'll be more useful to me here, you should also train, I'll need you when you're stronger, besides you can chase the rest of the orc army in this area, you'll progress faster "

"Okay, as you wish, I will train and get stronger, for- for you" said Idril a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's important to have a goal in mind" said Talion "I'll inform you when the time comes" he finished teleporting.


Maybe you saw it, but orcs are arrogant, I took inspiration in the Chinese novel young master for their personality.

Hope you liked this chapter, it's the first time im writing an assault, I was inspired by the games and by total war strategy.

Read chapters ahead on my pa*treon at pa*treon.com/I_am_Baal

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