
Dear Adam : Rain and Coffee – 1

"Starting from cloudy, to drizzling. And, your presence is like a rainbow after it subsides. Hi my Adam, your name will always be in my prostration. Hopefully it's not too late to join the registration, so you can become your mother candidate.



This afternoon Khadijah conducted guidance with Mr. Lee.

"You lecturer oh lecturer! It's my turn on time, uh, he's even slack!"

It was almost sunset. Khadijah was waiting for Mr. Lee at the coffee shop near campus.

Khadijah's cell phone started ringing with a bib bib bib tone. A short message contained the name "Lee".

Lee: Sorry, Khadijah, today your guidance with me has been postponed until I tell you again, because I have a jet leg to Paris.

Khadijah was suddenly annoyed with the attitude of the lecturer who was super cocky without thinking using his brain. Moreover, she was willing to not join the dinner with the family.

"I swear to you, lecturer! He likes his forehead."

Khadijah's lips pursed like a rice cone mold.

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