
8.51 Can You Do It?

Diana's pupils dilated heavily, her expression clearly portrayed the shock she felt within. Lu Yizhou looked into her eyes and saw the answer he was seeking. From 666's insistence that 404 was not registered as one of the systems and Diana's incoherent mumbles saying that she had to listen to her system, Lu Yizhou pieced together one whole truth.

404, Diana's system, was one of the bugs in this world.

No wonder that Diana was sent here together with Lu Yizhou. If 404 had replaced her original system early on and steadily brainwashed her bit by bit, then everything made sense. Her fear, desperation and helplessness. She did not want to rely on Lu Yizhou not because of the bullshit 404 had stuffed into her mind, but because she had had enough of being used and treated like she was not a human.

Diana's lips quivered greatly as another layer of tears misted over her eyes. "H–How do you…" She choked on her words. "Exactly who are you…?"

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