
Chapter 30 : Hand in hand

The meeting between Wen Qian and the scholar went well. Both of them have a good impression of each other. The scholar young master decided to bring Wen Qian to meet with his parents and Wen Qian agreed. Wu Zhang Wei also had permitted her to go outside and meet her future parents-in-law.

Everything going on smoothly as Zhang Wei hoped. He feels happy because a woman as good as Wen Qian finally can have her own life and happiness. The meeting and also the incoming wedding will be done without Wen Qian's family knowledge, especially her stepmother.

Even if the Wen family knew, they can't do anything as Wen Qian's marriage is an imperial decree and no one can object. But, Zhang Wei doesn't want the stepmother to cause any harm or disturb the scholar's family before the wedding.

As greedy as she is, the stepmother could ask for unreasonable betrothal gifts or forcing them to agree on something that can bring her benefits in later days.

Wen Qian's marriage is known to certain people only. Zhang Wei didn't want people to think that she's being despised by him or she was forced to be sent out of the palace. Plus, he doesn't want Wen Qian's father to know about this. He'll inform Wen Qian's father about the marriage after they're officially husband and wife.

Meanwhile, inside the imperial pharmacy, Xiu Ying continues to do his daily routine, immersed in studying about herbs, medicine and poisons.

After the death of Yu Li Na, everything seems better. People are getting more cheerful and no one remembers the dead consort. Xiu Ying is having more fun with all the physicians. Their respect and admiration towards Xiu Ying have reached over the top after he managed to save the emperor from dying.

As for Xiu Ying's relationship with Zhang Wei, he just follows the flow. He no longer resists his approaches and their relationship also has been the talk inside the palace.

Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying and Princess Wu Xiao Qing fully support Zhang Wei. They felt a thousand times relieved and happy when they knew Zhang Wei is getting closer to Xiu Ying. However, Zhang Wei has to face her imperial mother's same question every time they met.

'When can you give me a grandchild?'

That is what Wu Jiaying keeps asking her son. Her "grandma's mode" is actively turned on lately. It's been a while she gets to hold a baby and she missed doing so.

Zhang Wei can only rub his nape, averts his eyes and smiles stiffly. 'What child?! I didn't even do more than a peck and a little nibble. Not even touchy-touchy or suc- I mean intimately together.'

He barely can hold himself back whenever Xiu Ying is around but he forced himself to do so. He doesn't want to scare off his beloved, thus the dim light of hope to reciprocate their feelings will immediately become dark.

However, all that didn't stop him from keep courting the male consort. He's a cold and strict emperor whenever he's in front of his ministers, officers or people. But, whenever Xiu Ying comes in his view, he'll be a henpecked husband.

While Xiu Ying is busy with his work, a man is happily strutting towards the imperial pharmacy. Chief Eunuch and even the servants who followed behind barely could catch up to his long and fast steps.

Ignores the bows and greetings from everyone, Zhang Wei straight away went to Xiu Ying's table. "Xiu Ying, it's lunchtime. Let's eat together." Guo Wei, Chang Ming and Chief Eunuch rub their eyes. They feel like they just saw a wagging tail on the emperor's behind.

Xiu Ying looks up to the silly face of the emperor. "Your Majesty, you can just eat on your own. I still have work right here."

Zhang Wei walks around the table and grabs Xiu Ying's hand. "Yeah? That's what you said before when you missed your lunch and dinner for two days in a row. Now, let's go. All this work can wait and it's not urgent. But your health is more important." While babbling, he drags Xiu Ying out of the imperial pharmacy, heading towards Xiu Ying's courtyard. Xiu Ying can only sigh.

This scene is not unfamiliar for all the servants, what's more to Jing Yi, Guo Wei, Chang Ming and Chief Eunuch who once accidentally saw them in an unexplainable state.

Feeling the heated stares from behind, Xiu Ying looks down at their hands that perfectly interlocked. "Yo- your Majesty..." He whispers only for Zhang Wei to hear.

Zhang Wei slows down his steps and hums.

"Hands... your hands... Stop holding mine." Xiu Ying wiggles his hand but it had the opposite effect. Zhang Wei tightens the grip.

"Nope. Zhen afraid you might run away."

Xiu Ying lifts one side of his eyebrows. "I won't. Where do you think I could run off?! This is the palace. I've got nowhere to run and if I did, you can easily find me."

Zhang Wei blinks his eyes repeatedly. "Yeah... you're right. But still no. Zhen won't let go." He chuckles then pulls Xiu Ying closer to him until they are shoulder to shoulder.

Xiu Ying can still hear the muffled laughs from behind. He can only lower his head, hiding the blushed. In contrast, Zhang Wei walks happily while swinging their hands.

As soon as they arrived at the courtyard, the servants quickly serve their lunch and then leave the two of them alone. Even Guo Wei and Chang Ming have been shooed away by the emperor. Hinting through his gaze, the two guards quickly take the hint and move backward.

Before Xiu Ying could reach for the dishes, his bowl already full of meats and vegetables. Zhang Wei keeps putting it into his bowl. Xiu Ying inwardly facepalmed looking at the childish emperor.

Zhang Wei is about to pick up another piece of meat but Xiu Ying quickly clasped his chopsticks using his own. "Stop picking it up for me. I can do it on my own."

With his silly smiles and the little giggles 'hehe' he said, "It's okay. Let Zhen treat you. If Zhen didn't do this, Xiu Ying will eat so little. You can't do that. Xiu Ying should eat more. You're skin and bones."

Xiu Ying smirks, "Then if I'm skin and bones, Your Majesty won't like me?"

Zhang Wei quickly shakes his head. "Nope. Zhen still likes you a lot but it is better if Xiu Ying has more meat so Xiu Ying will feel plumper when Zhen hugs you." He shamelessly said.

Xiu Ying loss for words. He gaped and stares at the emperor unbelievably. Taking advantage of the opened mouth, Zhang Wei quickly feeds him. Then, Xiu Ying's eyes widen.

Zhang Wei laughs out loud. "Xiu Ying! You're so cute! You're so full of expression." He gently pinches Xiu Ying's cheeks.

Don't know how to handle the emperor anymore, Xiu Ying huffs. Then, he continues chomps on his food as nothing happened, ignores the gaze from the guy beside him. Their lunch went on with Xiu Ying humming to every question directed at him.

After the servants took away the emptied bowls and plates, Xiu Ying rises from the stool. "Your Majesty, I think you should return to the main palace. I also need to return to the imperial pharmacy."

Zhang Wei also rises up, "It's okay. Zhen is not that busy right now. So, Zhen wants to spend time with you. Xiu Ying also doesn't have to go back right away. Stay with Zhen for awhile. Let's take a walk. You'll feel uncomfortable if you do your work with a full stomach."

Xiu Ying lowers his head. Actually, the emperor is right. He feels bloated. Due to the frustration towards the emperor, Xiu Ying keeps on eating with no leftovers.

Seeing that Xiu Ying raises no objection, Zhang Wei intertwined their fingers and drags him to the nearby garden.

Both of them walking in silence, hand in hand, enjoying the breeze. Zhang Wei keeps glancing at the shorter man beside him. Xiu Ying's head reached Zhang Wei's shoulder so he has to tilt his head to get a better look at Xiu Ying's face.

"What?" asked Xiu Ying.

"Do you feel better now?"

Xiu Ying faintly smiles. He hums, "Much better."

But Zhang Wei has no intention of letting go of the hand. He even adjusts the position and grips it tighter. He fakes a cough, "Hmm... How long Xiu Ying didn't go home?"

Xiu Ying tilts his head, thinking. "A...month or so? Why?"

"Do you miss your family? Lord Li said your mother keeps asking about you. So, wanna go home?"

Xiu Ying blinks his eyes repeatedly. "Yes! I want! Can I?"

Zhang Wei releases their hands then pulls Xiu Ying by the shoulders and gently strokes his head, "Of course you can but this time, Zhen wants to come along."

"Co- come along? Are you sure? Wh- what for?!"

With a smug face, he said, "To greet mother-in-law, of course."

Xiu Ying rolls his eyes. "I'm just a consort, Your Majesty. Not an empress. There's no need for such greetings."

Zhang Wei inclined his head, whispers in his ear, "To make you my empress, I have to greet mother-in-law first, am I right?"

Xiu Ying cupped his ear. The breath tickled him. He shoots a glare towards the culprit who makes his ears red. Xiu Ying takes longer steps to get away from Zhang Wei but he was being pulled back until his back meets the sturdy chest.

"Where are you running off to?" Zhang Wei lands his chin on Xiu Ying's shoulder.

"Wh- what running?! I- I have work to do at the pharmacy." Xiu Ying's heartbeat is pumping at 100km per hour, caused him to stutters. The deep chuckles from behind and echoed in his ears only increase it to 120km per hour.

"Stop avoiding me, Ying-er."

'Oh, God. Must you call me by that name right now?!' thought Xiu Ying.

"You do realize my feelings for you, so stop running away from me. I know Xiu Ying didn't really hate when we're being so close like this but then why you still want to distance yourself from me?"

[A/N : Zhang Wei starting to use informal words, like how normal citizens talked to each other]


"Did I disgust you that much? Are you too unwilling to be like this with me?"


Zhang Wei sighs. "Ying-er... be honest with me. Do you even the slightest has some feelings for me? A bit more than just an emperor, a brother, friend or an acquaintance? A feeling that you don't feel towards other guys or girls and your family?"

"I- I don't know..." Being engulfed by two strong arms make Xiu Ying shrinks his body.

Zhang Wei buried his face on Xiu Ying's shoulder. He did say he wants to wait. His heart maybe can but his body is slowly losing its control. He doesn't want to hurt Xiu Ying so, in the end, he still has to endure the accumulated desires.

"Yo- Your Majesty...?" Xiu Ying tilts his head. The emperor is burying his head and keep staying silent, froze.

Zhang Wei takes a deep breath then releases a long and heavy sigh. He breaks the hug then makes Xiu Ying turns to face him. Gently pushes aside the bang and slid some of the hair behind his ears.

"Alright. You can go and do your work. We'll go and visit your parents at the weekend." He plants a kiss on Xiu Ying's forehead.

Flustered with the unexpected kiss, Xiu Ying turns around quickly and leaves the courtyard as soon as possible.

Now, his heart is 200km per hour.

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