
Training the Spider

"Before we begin, " I said, "There is something on your face."

"Something on my wh-" Peter's eyes widened, before he sidesteped one of my punches He punched me in the face, but it did absolutely nothing, instead of feeling hurt he didn't feel a thing. I grabbed him by the waist and flung him off off me.

Much to my surprise, and slight joy as a spiderman Tobey fan when peter flung, a huge web similar to that of a spider stretched out of his wrist and was connected to my hand while he was flung. He landed on the side of the building, his gaze widened at the spiderweb.

"Wow, that's cool." Peter said, I nodded to him, and smirked

"Spider sense and bio-webs, That is cool, but can it come out of...somewhere else..."

Peter tilted his head curiously, before his eyes widened in realization he turned his back to face me, and squated.

My expression shifted into a deadpan as I heard him grunt.

"Not literally you fool! I -My eyes widened in surprise when literal, webs shot out of his ass.

Oh fuck no.

I raised my hand and a translucent energy barrier appeared infront of me...blocking the attack.

I stared at peter as also just stared at what he just did with wide-eyes.

"Kid...never do that again," I said slowly, "I meant for that only as a joke."

"I know..." Peter said, "I just wanted to see if I could do it, highly disturbing but cool at the same time..."

"No...just no." I replied flatly, "I raised my arm to my back and unsheathed my powerpole.

"Come at me...with your webs on anywhere else..but your butt understand."

"You can cuss around me you know." Peter grumbled annoyed, "I'm not a kid."

"Yes you are." I said flatly, "Madam web, what were you thinking!"

"Who?" Peter tilted his head, as he looked around, I shook my head..."Nothing that concerns you kid."

Meanwhile in a space, very far away, a feminine blind grandma looking figure, who was despite her old age quite the beauty. She giggled at my statement, "Just wanted to try something different child, it was quite humorous though you have to admite,

I unsheathed my power pole.

"I want you to attack me, as hard as you can."

Peter got into a stance, and what made me tilt my head was different, his stance I mean. It was more like a spider than before, Tobey Maguire's stance in the spiderman movies.

When you are a spiderman fan, you know of these things the moment you look at it.

'So the spider changed more than just his abilities.' I thought curiously.

'Power Pole Extend.' I thought, the staff glowed before it shot off like lightning towards peter whose spidersense went off, causing him to dodge the attack.

I smirked at him as I retracted my staff, and lunged at him with controlled speed.

Peter let out a painful cry as my punch landed on his face, but since it was a controlled one, it didn't knock him out instantly, he merely fell to his knee with his other hand catching his fall.

He placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed it, "That was too hard."

"It was controlled, " I said flatly, "use your spidersense, it warns you of incoming danger."

"So...were calling it that?" Peter asked, "That make's sense."

"Close your eyes, and focus." I said with a stern look, "Focus on that tingling feeling in your head seconds before I attack, and answer to it."

Peter did what was told and closed his eyes.

That's when I began my attack at a controlled pace as a test.

As if he saw my attack, Peter sidestepped. I twisted my body for a right kick, which he bent his back to a point where his back was facing inches from the ground. I was impressed, his reaction time increased exponentially from before.

I clicked my fingers together and a flash of orange shot through the room, strengthening the walls.

'So similar to ultra instinct, but not.' I muttered, 'Spider sense...is truly an interesting thing, but let's see where it's limits stand, and then see if we can break those limits.'

I raised my hands, two balls of Ki formed in my hands. I smiled excitedly, "Let's kick this up a notch!"

Stones???!!! I 'm going to edit the previous chapter slightly ok, Iron man 1 instead of two, so it can make more sense to the story.

POWERSTONES!!! I appreciate it, have a good day!

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts
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