
Weirded out

"Elemental Magic comes first." Followed by Ozaru, now... you have meditated enough to control your Ozaru, you must try to use that in your base form.

I closed my eyes before they snapped open revealing a beautiful golden color, my hair spiked up to resemble Goku's super Saiyan form.

"This is what I call an Ikari form, Ikari is a form that uses the Ozaru form in your normal state, I want you all to accomplish again, like we have been doing."

"I get it Father." Xelera said, "You look even hotter in that form."

"I gave her a blank look, as did Gohan and Gine. TIna didn't mind, in fact she agreed, "I agree with Xelera Dad, you are sexier with that look, with the golden eyes and bigger muscles..."

"Your both gross." Gine deadpanned.

"Just stating the truth." Tina shrugged her shoulders, "Nothing wrong with that."

"First of all, your too young to be thinking about that." Gohan said flatly, "Secondly, your his daughters, your not supposed to think about that to your dads."

"Noone is built like our dad." Tina disagreed, "I've seen older people his age and not one of them have the same body, also I have heard our teachers talk about our parents behind our backs like we didn't understand but we did. Among other things, it is clear that they find them extremely sexy as well."

"I will have to have a talk, with the teachers then." I said with a blank tone, how dare the teachers corrupt my daughters in such a way.

"You wouldn't want mom hearing about this." Gohan said with a low shudder, "I love her but she can be scary at times, especially when it comes to other ladies trying to flirt with our dad."

"Mom already knows." Xelera replied flatly, "She doesn't get angry over the truth, she knows Dad is the sexiest man alive."

I blinked, "I uh...ok..."

"Yes, we aren't trying to flirt with him," Tina agreed, "We are merely stating a truth, Mom hates it when people flirt with him , especially in front of her but she doesn't care in the slightest, when people just speak the truth."

"Well this is all horrifyingly fascinating hearing my own daughters call me sexy." I deadpanned, "Let's move on to the training, sit down in a meditative position, all of you."

They nodded and did what was told, I smiled, "Good, now close your eyes."

They did so, I clenched my fist, and closed my eyes bringing forth a ball of KI, this wasn't just any Ki though, this was something I was only able to create with my anime and manga knowledge of dragon ball z, weather it be cannon or non cannon, and multiple fan-fictions."

"Burst open and mix."

It did so, forming an artificial energy moon.

"Remember, imagine everything that you have ever loved taken from you, let your emotions from that take control of your power, but do not let it control you."

"That is so confusing!" Gine screamed in frustration, "I can't do it!"

"I understand." Gohan growled to himself, "I already smiled at him, his tone was a mixture between a great ape and a human, just like myself.

"Ngh..." Gohan grunted, his eyes snapped open, revealing yellow eyes before they reverted back to normal in a split second..

"Nice Gohan..." I smiled at him, "You almost Had it that time."

He panted slightly, even though he smiled at the compliment I gave him, I could tell he was disappointed.

"How did you do it?" Gine demanded, grabbing Gohan by the shoudlers and shaking him, "Tell me-tell me-tell me-tell me!"

"S-s-s-stt-o-o-o-p Sh-h-h-ha-a-ak-k-ing m-me!"

I chuckled, my eyes suddenly locked on Xelera as her power started to rise exponentially.

With gritted teeth, her hair started to spike up, before reverting back to normal repeatedly.

Before her eyes snapped open..she let out a loud roar as her aura expanded before it blinded everything in it's path....

Once the light died down. Xelera stood with her Hair spiked up, her eyes were golden, and she now had fangs in her mouth.

She didn't grow buff, to my surprise, I mean she grew a little mucle but the muscle did nothing but enhance her feminine features. I doubt Xelera would care but she did the same.

"Good job Xelera." I said with a nod, "How does it feel."

She panted heavily, "Amazing." she said..."Simply amazing..." We both felt another spike of energy and saw that Tina did the same thing as Xelera, followed by Gohan, the both of them stood up in there Ikari forms. Panting heavily but both were very proud of themselves.

Gine was frustrated, "How is it possible for them to achieve that form, they couldn't even think straight because they were talking about how hot you were!"

All eyes turned to her, and my expression turned blank, "N-not that I think that of course, why would I?" She stammered blushing red in embarrassment, this gathered even more interesting looks from her siblings

"Why are you all looking at me like that!"

"Nothing." Tina replied smirking, "You just said it was gross a few seconds ago!"

"I just said you thought he was hot, sure I agreed with you but I still thought it was- she was cut off I raised my eyebrow at her, I am really going to have a talk with these teachers.

Gine realized what she said, She decided it would be a good Idea to shut up now.

"...OK..." I cleared my throat, "although I am flattered, and very weird-ed out by the fact that my own daughters have crushes on me. "

I gave her a stern look.

"I need you too focus , as unlike you they know how and when to think about how...sexy I am..." I shuddered, "And focus on my words and how to get the Ikari forms."

"I want you to meditate on what I said, we will all be hear waiting.

She stared at me, before she slowly nodded and did what was told.

I sighed to myself, "Honestly, and your both way to young to be thinking about how sexy I am."

"But you are." Xelera replied flatly

"It still doesn't make it any less wrong." I deadpanned, "You are my daughters."

"And you are my daddy." Tina said with a shrug, "what does it matter?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't say it like that."

"Just saiyan." She shrugged.

I sighed..."Where did I go wrong with you girls."

"Maybe our hormones go faster than humans." Gohan offered, "Which is why we are able to act more mature than other kids our age."

"Makes sense." Xelera nodded her head.

"It does." I agreed slowly, Suddenly another spike of power coming from Tina.

All eyes locked on her as Tina's hair spiked up, her eyes snapped open revealing golden, before she let loose a loud scream that shook the entire area the light of her aura, just like her siblings, covered the entire area...

Once the light died down... she panted heavily.

"Congratulations." I said proudly, "You've done it."

Remember this is a No-harem story with Hela as a Pairing, the girls are just..confused. Stones? I might not post tomarrow, Have a nice day.

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts
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