
Arc 1 - Chapter 25: Risking It!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Chapter 25: Risking It!

30 minutes later*

"Seriously? Is that who I think is?" Momoyo looks at a cute, young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes, which are reptilian slit pupils. Wearing a gothic lolita fashion outfit. "I heard rumors, but Ophis actually taking this as her present appearance." Momoyo remembers meeting Ophis, who had the appearance of an old man since she last saw the Ouroboros Dragon.

"Yup." Chikao tries not to look directly at Ophis for even a minute. That is enough time before his brain shut down and be put into a coma that lasts who knows how long because those routes end with his death. Furthermore, even just predicting Ophis' present location placed a strain on his brain and he only gained 1% out of the 99% possible futures of him meeting Ophis.

Unlike how he can't predict someone like Momoyo. Chikao can 'see' Ophis, but the worse thing is that Ophis' existence alone when he 'sees' her would throw a stream of numbers that by far cause more problems for Chikao compared to the time he first meets Nyx and uses [Numerical Precision] on her. Even with the [Numerical Precision]'s current rank wasn't enough to look at Ophis for more than a minute. A few seconds is fine, but Chikao will have to wait hours before he could even look at Ophis again just for a few seconds.

"Is that who we're supposed to meet?" Momoyo couldn't believe her boyfriend have found Ophis like it was nothing when it's near impossible to find the Ouroboros Dragon unless said dragon wanted to meet you in person.

"Yup." Chikao walks up to Ophis, who is sitting on a wooden bench, blankly staring at children, adults, family, and friends playing before her eyes.

"Are we here for Ophis' protection or something?" Momoyo wasn't that all up for being under someone's protection, even though she is technically under Chikao's protection from ghosts and anything else she can't do herself.

"In some way." Chikao replied, for one thing, out of everything he can remember in Highschool DxD. Ophis is the most dangerous one he has the memory of in this world and he absolutely needs to be very careful around her, even with just a small piece of information about Ophis. It was plenty enough to know that Ophis is massively stronger than Nyx. Yet, Chikao didn't have enough to know what Ophis' part is in the story of Highschool DxD. Other than she is the key to the many solutions for Chikao's plans.

Chikao stop in front of Ophis, who blankly stares back at him. "Do you desire silence?"

Ophis' facial expression didn't change, but her body straightens up a bit, showing everyone that Chikao's words have an effect on Ophis.

"In exchange for you it. You need to do something for my group." Chikao has the be extremely careful with Ophis, no matter how Ophis was in canon. Right now, canon is completely destroyed thanks to his actions. The main important ones are Asia, the arranged marriage's ending result, and Kokabiel. All these three have been heavily changed by Chikao's hands. Asia is still human. The arranged marriage with Rias had a different ending, with Rias herself breaking free without having to fight Riser with her peerage. Kokabiel didn't even get to reveal the news about the Biblical Faction's God aka the big guy in the Christianity mythology is dead, causing a shocking result with Rias' group and others with her when this was revealed by the Fallen Angel.

Furthermore, Chikao knew that Rias' peerage is a lot weaker than canon. For one thing, Issei's [Sacred Gear: Boosted Gear] was barely awakened into its first true form. No longer in its initial state that looks the regular [Sacred Gear: Twice Critical]. Yet, this still wasn't enough to reach the same level as Issei's canon during the time of the Rating Game with Riser.

In some way, Chikao made it so Rias became a strong person on her own without having to rely on Issei and the rest of the peerage, but in exchange, Rias has a weak peerage and will likely have to push herself even further in order to protect them from being killed by future foes.

"Can you beat Red?" Ophis asks in a monotone while trying to figure out what kind of being is standing before her. Ophis can say that she has seen many things, but this human, who isn't human at the same time, is something much more than one meet the eyes. If Ophis were to pick out anyone in the human world that is a big mystery to her. This human that isn't human is the biggest mystery in her entire life. However, this didn't matter to her, what's important is that this being might be able to give her silence back when those people she gathered around to defeat Great Red wasn't making much progress.

"I can't." Chikao spoke truthfully, for all the routes he can see right now. None have anything about this Red person or dragon. Chikao can't tell who this Red is and just know that if even someone like Ophis can't beat, then there is no way in hell would he be able to beat this Red. "But, that doesn't mean I can't give you back your silence."

This is his only card in hand and the reason why Chikao dares to find Ophis. For this Dragon's main goal is to obtain silence, whatever silence it is, but Chikao got to risk it since there are a few routes in that 1% of Ophis' presence in them, that could help Chikao massively if nothing goes wrong.

Ophis blankly stare at Chikao, who blankly stares back in return. "How?" Ophis has tried nearly everything to regain back her silence, but nothing worked. So maybe this being before her could do what she can't.

"I'll tell you if you help my group first." Chikao wasn't going to give Ophis her solution; well, solutions until the safety of his group is secure.

Ophis didn't hesitate to agree, since there is no reason to doubt this being. Because the moment she sees that whatever plans this being failed. She will kill him for making her waste her time when she could have used them for something else. Whatever that something else doesn't matter to Ophis.

"Wait, hold up. Can you explain what's going on? I'm completely lost and even Asia is lost." Momoyo points at Asia, who is just smiling yet everyone can tell Asia is just staying quiet because she has no idea what to say.

"Right now, I had already made a big mess with the Devils, then killing Kokabiel, which wouldn't be found by other Fallen Angels just yet. But, I won't doubt they won't find out it was me, who did the deed. The Greeks would for sure go after our heads due to Nyx." Chikao points out the key facts of why he is aiming for Ophis to help them. Of course, Chikao has avoided mentioning the Angels since there nothing for Chikao to use in order to point out how dangerous it is to be near any Angel.

"Okay, but that doesn't still change the fact, that we just need some time to train and we would be able to protect ourselves against those that want to cause us harm. That's what I've been doing for years." Momoyo wasn't ashamed that she would sometimes run away in order to continue on living while taking the time to train before getting her payback against those that harmed her in the past.

"That we can, but there is a limit of where we can train. I haven't figured out a spell to make any location a somewhat decent private training area for us to use to train in our moves that causes more damage to a larger area than a small one; therefore, it's impossible for us to fully train without having to worry in case the ceiling collapse us at any moment while training indoors." Chikao seriously was putting his life on the line during the week they were in hiding because he had to continue to dispel Momoyo's body heat continue to rise rapidly at different moments. A second too late is enough to wipe Chikao and Asia from existence. That's how important finding a good place for training outdoors or a massive room in a building. Which is impossible for them right now.

So, Chikao has long planned to come up with a set of spells to create a training area or room. But, he wasn't there just yet and still require research and experiments. This includes the usage of [Numeromancy] to speed things up.

"Oh..." Momoyo now beginning to recall during the week staying mostly indoors. She would always find it weird that whenever she felt her body temperature rising slowly while she was working out. The next thing she knows, Chikao reduce her temperature right away, which was fine for Momoyo. Since it just makes her exercise longer. "You know, Chikao. You should have just told me if there was going to be a problem while I was training. No need to stay silent all the time."

"It's fine." Chikao couldn't say that if he had stopped Momoyo from doing some exercises every day would lead to Momoyo snapping and doing something reckless. So better to let Momoyo move her body often than causing more problems due to her not being able to stand still for too long. "Plus, I just need Ophis' help for a few things then we won't have to worry about anyone else but the very powerful people would cause us any problems."

"Well, alright then." Momoyo didn't like her man is asking for help, but at least it wasn't someone weaker than them. Otherwise, Momoyo might have to give her boyfriend a private talk about people they can and can't ask for help. Seeing how this might backfire on them. Not that Momoyo looks down on people weaker than them. There are all kinds of strength, but Momoyo knew the main importance for their survival is the strength to face against all odds. So she will just trust Chikao's decision that is best for the group.

"Ophis. I'll require two things from you before I give you the silence you desire." Chikao begins while Ophis simply nods for him to continue. "One: Show me your power for a few seconds. Two: Take my group in between the dimensions safely for a few minutes before taking us back here in the human world without any problems afterward." Chikao can trust Ophis to keep her words and trust that she can also be persuaded easily somewhat. So, Chikao will have to be aware of what he says to Ophis while being extra careful of any hidden characters trying to influence Ophis to do something that might accidentally or do kill Chikao.

"Here." Ophis raise her right hand and produce a purple snake made out of her power, leaving it to appear for a few seconds before dismissing it. Ophis continues to look at Chikao, who is rubbing his forehead while his eyes are closed.

"Okay, when can you take us to the in between the dimensions safely?" Chikao uses the [Refresh Spell] on himself multiple times in a row until his massive headache goes away. He did not expect what he got from seeing that tiny purple snake. To think that the [Cycle Element], [Creation Element], [Destruction Element], [Life Element], and even [Death Element]. All merged into the [Infinite Cycle Element]; however, much to Chikao's frustration. He obtained nothing, no formulas, no equations. Nothing new.

Chikao just knows the name of these fused elements and the elements in the fusion, while the [Destruction Element] and [Creation Element] are the only ones he knows of. The rest are just impossible to figure out. In other words, Chikao was unlucky to pick out something useless in exchange for Ophis' help. Though, if Chikao ever wanted to obtain the [Infinite Cycle Element]. He knew the right elements to make it at least.

"Follow me." Ophis open a portal to the Dimensional Gap, not caring about doing something like this out in the open.

Chikao has long secretly placed down many spells to prevent others from looking in their direction and it is a good thing too. Otherwise, things might be complicated with the way Ophis acting without caring anything around other than finding a potential solution to obtain her silence.

3 minutes later*

"Oh... my aching head." Chikao groans in pain, where he is even bleeding from the nose, ears, and even the eyes, which is taking a bit of time to recover even with Asia currently healing him with her [Sacred Gear].

"You okay, Chikao?" Momoyo asks her boyfriend with concern in her voice, for she just saw him begin puking blood at the first-minute mark, then slowly begin to blood else at the 2-minute mark and by the 3-minute mark. Momoyo had to demand Ophis to take them back before Chikao begins to bleed out all his blood.

"I... I'm fine." Chikao uses a [Cleaning Spell] to erase the blood spilled. He can't leave any blood behind, to allow anyone to use them, not that some can. But, better to be safe than sorry. "On the bright side, thanks to visiting... whatever that place was. I've improved some of my [Magic] even further." Chikao is delighted that his gamble paid off, for the [Flying Thunder God] became, even more, better, even though it had the perfect equation already, but honestly, it was just perfect in his eyes. Not being able to figure out any other way to improve and now that he did. The [Flying Thunder God] has become more than just simple teleportation with the marker being the [Magic Circle]. Also, including a way to leave Highschool DxD to another universe. But, it will be a one way trip since Chikao doesn't have all the formulas for a return trip.

"Tell me now." Ophis demand as she rather not wait any longer to gain back her silence.

"Give me a sec." Chikao took a deep breath before using the [Creation of All Things Technique] to make a black mountain backpack, which seems normal on the outside but completely different inside. "Mind getting inside this for a moment?" Chikao asks Ophis, who blankly stare at him before getting into the backpack without a word.

Once Ophis only has her head out in the open. Chikao snaps his finger, to activate the [Magic Circles] inside the backpack, and Ophis' eyes slowly closed, then breath softly and slouched a bit forward.

"What did you do?" Momoyo looks at Ophis sleeping inside a mountain backpack, which she picked up, not bothered by the danger of doing so. Yet, Ophis stayed asleep.

"Well, I just thought she wanted silence so she could sleep peacefully. So, I made that, where one of us have to carry her around. Don't worry, the backpack made everything inside weightless. So it won't be much of a burden to carry Ophis around. Anyway, I placed multiple spells onto the inside of the backpack to make Ophis fall asleep and not be disturbed by any sound while making it extremely comfortable to sleep inside the backpack too." Chikao spits some blood on the ground before using the [Cleaning Spell] to remove it. "Anyway, as long as we carry Ophis. We can use her to threaten people to leave us alone by waking her up."

"Would that even work?" Momoyo asks Chikao while she pokes Ophis' right cheek out of curiosity to see if it would wake her up, but nothing. Making Momoyo whistle that her boyfriend managed to do something many couldn't do.

"Should be." Chikao checked with [Numeromancy] just now. Lots do death routes are disappearing right away the longer Ophis stay inside that mountain backpack. "Thanks, Asia." Chikao could have used the [17th Period Math Time] to heal himself, but he can't find the formula of the causes of his injury. So right now, Chikao has to continue to be healed by Asia for the time being. Making him very happy that he brought Asia with them, otherwise, it will take a long period of time before he is fully healed after using [Numerical Precision] to learn as much as possible in whatever that place in between dimensions was.

"It's no problem." Asia smile at Chikao as she put in more effort using her [Sacred Gear]. Happy to do some help.

"Come on, you can heal me while we on the move, and Momoyo. Mind carrying Ophis for the time being?" Chikao let out a relaxing sigh, for the strain on his body is disappearing by the seconds. Making Chikao realized why Asia was such a big boon for Rias, but now that he has her. Chikao wasn't going to let Asia out of his group as long she wanted to of her own free will.

"Sure." Momoyo put on the backpack and didn't feel much disturbed while carrying Ophis. Other than having to adjust her position a bit more often since she might accidentally bang Ophis against something without realizing it. Something Momoyo rather not find out if her boyfriend had made sure to place a spell or two, to prevent Ophis from waking up even when something or someone trying to shake her awake while she still inside the backpack. "Now, where are we heading?"

"I'm planning us to leave Japan." Chikao knew that most of the plot of Highschool DxD would happen in Japan; well, Kuoh Town to be precise. No idea what would happen after the event of the main characters facing Kokabiel. So, it's time to see what else this world has to offer and maybe this world is a crossover. If so, then things will become a lot complicated than it already us. Though, Chikao knew it a high possibility of this guess coming true thanks to Momoyo's presence alone, where she shouldn't even be in this world.

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