
Chapter 5: New Info

Around 20 minutes of going upstairs, where Firm and Venture made it to the sixth floor.

"This is the floor, where everyone hangs out and the place, for members to come here to find what kind of missions to take on." Firm said to Venture, as he opens the door, entering with Venture following right behind.

Before Venture's eyes; the sixth floor is similar to the fourth floor. Where it an open area with tables and chairs next to a kitchen room. The sixth floor, on the other hand, is literally just an open area. Fill with couches, be it a single seat to multiple seats. Even a few coffee tables next to the multiple seat couches and near the walls, there is a coffee machine and that is pretty much it.

Honestly, Venture expected something more, but then again, going by Firm's words from before. Venture didn't mind and maybe in the future, there will be more stuff here. However, what Venture has his focus on right now are the people who are sitting in one spot, three people in their own single-seat couch. One of the three is Cope, who Venture didn't see on the ground floor. The other two are one female and the other is male. Both seem to be in their early 20s.

"Hey, guys!" Firm walking over to greet the three, causing them to look at Firm and Venture. "Sorry, for the coming so late. You won't believe how long it took me to find this guy, and as you can tell, he agreed to join the [Dark Star Faction]! Also, his name's Venture." Firm gives the three a big smile as he sat down on one of the single-seat couches nearby, with Venture doing the same. Then, Firm starts introducing the other two. "Venture, you already know Miss Cope. The one her right is her little sister, Edify, who is the resident doctor. So if you're injured in any way, then she the one you should go to."

Edify looks almost exactly the same as her older sister, but with long blonde-hair instead of short and same with brown eyes. Wearing a white lab coat and seems to be close to falling asleep due to lack of sleep. The other thing that would cause others to notice her a bit more compared to her older sister is her breast size being a bit bigger. While Cope is more on the line of small breasts that could easily be hidden away by the right clothes, then it would be hard to tell if Cope is male or female from the first glance.

"Hello." Edify greet the newcomer before letting out a yawn.

This caused Cope to look at her little sister with a hint of concern, but decide not to do anything for the time being.

"As for the fine man right there is Bout. He part of the small group of couriers, that head outside the City N to do missions and gather resources." Firm introduces Bout, with respect in his tone of voice.

Bout looks a bit skinny in body size, completely unlike Fare, and short white-hair and red eyes. Making him someone like the main character in Venture's eyes by just his look alone or at least one of the characters that are worth mention more than a few chapters before no longer appear later on in the story.

"Nice to meet you, Venture. I hope we get well together." Bout politely smiles at the newcomer.

Well, Venture could say that out of these three; Bout seems the nice one, but Venture wouldn't rule out that this is just a front to act as an alter ego, while his true self could be the exact opposite of a nice guy.

"Now, there are a few people still not here, but you'll meet them sooner or later, Venture." Firm made sure to mention this now before anything unexpected to occur. "I would like to welcome you to the [Dark Star Faction]. Any question?" Firm looks at his comrades with a big smile.

"Yeah, what's my role in this faction?" Venture repeated the question he asked before back on the fourth floor.

"Going by your name, are you any good at assassination?" Cope ask Venture in a quiet voice, but everyone can hear her clearly without any trouble.

"Truthfully, I'm good at assassination, but within the right conditions place for me and have all the information I need about the target as well as the people that related to the target in any way. However, I can still fail in killing the target." Venture tried to hide how unease he is feeling right now, because he never took another life before; well, human life in the real world. Online, on the hand; well, it's a given depending on the online games. Plus, he has already tested out if he could affect others before with his [Unique Skill] and killing them is mostly possible from what Venture understands from the experiment he has done.

Nevertheless, the thought of taking another human life is sickening to Venture, but with how cruel this world is from the books he has read and what Firm mention before. Honestly, Venture dreaded of experience how much the world could truly be cruel to him; therefore, he will have to change his mental state like how those main characters are weak-minded at the beginning before going through an entirely changes via experience a lifetime change, that literally break their mind to either become more ruthless or insane, sometimes both. Maybe even worse.

Venture knew he had to be more realistic about this, but he has to quickly change before he snaps in some way. But, if possible, he will do his best to avoid this whole fighting thing; however, Venture knows this is just wishful thinking.

"I see." Cope nods her head, expecting this response from the newcomer. From what she gathered with her [Skill] and [Title]. "If it's not too personal, what [Modifier] do you use?"

"Miss Cope!" Firm shouted in shock, that she would actually ask such a thing!

"Quiet you." Cope glare at Firm, who flinch and became quiet right away.

"Now. Now. Miss Cope. You know how personal it is for people to share what [Modifier] they use. After all, it's something that decides how one will survive in a battle and if many know about it. Then, they can counter it easily." Bout spoke up next and backing Firm up, for he too thinks this was rude of Miss Cope.

"Uh, quick question." Venture spoke up before everyone starts arguing. "What is a [Modifier]?" Venture has no idea what this is. Of course, he knows what the definition of the word, but it may use as something else as a term. And Venture was right, because everyone looks at him with a surprise on their faces like they never expected this question from Venture at all.

"He is telling the truth." Edify said to everyone in a tired voice, "Mr. Venture. A [Modifier] is a special method that, many generations have developed by trying to see if it's possible for others to use others' [Skills] or at least replicate some of its effects. Partially, they have successfully created what is today known as [Modifier], that allows others to use abilities that similar to [Skills], be it [Normal Skill] or [Unique Skill] that's unrelated to their own inborn [Skill]. At the cost of speeding up one's physical fatigue and mental fatigue. However, not many can use certain types of [Modifier] due to the rate of using them could be different compared to others. One could use a [Modifier] and it used 1% of either physical fatigue and/or mental fatigue, but for others, it could be at 90% instead with a single-use." Edify let out a yawn at the end, not bother that she was the one who had to explain such a basic thing. But, she can see the clueless look on the newcomer and decide to help him out by explaining it.

"There is such a thing?" Venture asks in disbelief, causing the other three to be shocked by Venture's response.

"So, wait, up to now. You've been using your [Skill] without a [Modifier]?!" Firm shouted in shock and in awe. "Man, you must be strong to survive up to now without a [Modifier]!" Firm knew how difficult it is for many just to rely solely on their [Skill] and [Title], not including weapons and armors. Even children after awaken would obtain a [Modifier] that either useless or useful; either way, these kids will still own a [Modifier] at the very least. For those that don't are either people who never heard of it and those who are strong enough without one. But, to think the person he recruited would be both, as these people may not be rare as a [Unique Skill] holder, but still consider as uncommon.

"Yeah..." Venture raises an eyebrow at the response he got from Firm and could roughly guess that not having a [Modifier] is a big thing. Then again, being able to use a downgraded version of someone else [Skill] is a big thing, so Venture can understand the shock in Firm's voice.

"Wow, Miss Cope. You found a diamond this time." Bout said in awe, shocked to find someone like Venture to join the faction. "Imagine what he could do if he finds the right [Modifier] that suits him." Upon mentioning this, the others couldn't help but imagine this, even if they still haven't found out what kind of [Skill] their new member possess; however, it has to be something related to killing and that was easy enough for them to imagine how powerful their newcomer could be, not including the fact that they haven't even seen the newcomer in action yet.

"Do you think we have any [Modifier] to give him? I'm curious about what he could do with one." Firm said to the other, eager to help out the one he recruited and can see many problems solved by this new member.

"We will not be giving out any [Modifier] just yet. We need to check if this newcomer is someone who will stay with the [Dark Star Faction] and not abandon it after gaining all the benefits from the rest of us." Cope said coldly, causing both Firm and Bout to flinch.

"Hehehe. Sorry, Miss Cope." Firm scratches the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "I got excited that we got a powerful new member and forgot about everything else."

"Just have Firm use his [Skill] and [Title] to prevent the newcomer from abandoning us or whatever." Edify is close to falling asleep at this point and only through sheer willpower, that stops her so, also the coffee. Which she may need another cup or two before it's too late.

"But, I already did at the beginning when he agreed to join the [Dark Star Faction] though." Firm explained, causing Edify to raise an eyebrow at him. "What? Didn't we agree with the plan, where I should always make sure to use my [Skill] with new members right away if they agree to join the faction?"

"Was that the plan?" Edify tilts her head, not completely sure, but at the same time could recall some fuzzy memory about this. "Well, if so, what's the problem, sis?" Edify looks at Cope with an eyebrow raise.

Cope let out a sigh, as she can't believe she the only seeing the problem while everyone else don't. Then again, with her [Title] made it so she won't underestimate anyone and able to gauge the target's danger level. If they are a threat or not.

"Miss Cope, is there something out of the ordinary with Mr. Venture here, other than being good at assassination? I mean there are a lot of people who possess [Assassin-Type Skills] and there are many ways to deal with. No offense, Mr. Venture." Bout said to Miss Cope, then to the newcomer.

"None taken." Venture replied.

"Also, Miss Cope, you were the one that pointed at him as a candidate to join the [Dark Star Faction] too." Bout made sure to remind Miss Cope about this, "Remember, because otherwise Firm wouldn't have to search Mr. Venture here in the first place."

"Yes, that's right, but I only mention him being a candidate, not that he is trustworthy of joining right away." Cope feels like her comrades are too laid back on this whole recruiting thing, then again, the faction wasn't made that long, not even half a year has passed by since the [Dark Star Faction]'s creation.

"Uh, I've already used my [Skill] and [Title] on Venture already, though." Firm begins to sweat while trying not to look at the said person staring at him with a gaze that made Firm wish he called the others to clarify everything first before using his [Skill] on the one he just recruited.

"So, I came here for no reason at all?" Venture raises an eyebrow, but he wasn't afraid of being kicked out thanks to his [Unique Skill] making sure he has a place to stay and food to eat without going hungry. But, if things get difficult for Venture; well, he will make sure to leave an escape route for him to take if things go downhill.

On another matter, Venture is cursing a storm inside, to find out someone used their [Skill] on him already without him knowing it. He just hopes it's not some kind of [Curse-Type Skill], no matter if it is a [Normal Skill] or [Unique Skill]. [Curse-Type Skills] are very deadly and hard to deal with from what Venture's recall on one of the books giving out examples about [Skill]. But, not much other than people with [Curse-Type Skills] are always taken away to be trained or so it says in the book. To be trained to use their [Skill] to the best of their ability.

Cope let out a sigh, "Technically, no. I'm trying to make a point for everyone else, not to recruit just anyone, even if they are powerful in some way, and expect to trust them completely." Cope knew she was being difficult for the newcomer, but as the current in the position of being the leader of the faction while the real leader is out at the moment. She needs to make sure everything doesn't cause problems for the faction. "This is what we're going to do. As the temporary leader of the [Dark Star Faction]. Venture, you are allowed to stay here and have some of the benefits as a real member, but be under probation for a while until we can fully trust you. If you agree to this, then welcome to the [Dark Star Faction]. If not, Firm will escort you out." Cope already has a headache from speaking too much for her comfort and after the real leader comes back, she will make sure to give the leader a piece of her mind for making her the temporary leader.

"No problem for me, just out of curiosity, how long is this probation going to be?" Venture wasn't going to decline of joining the [Dark Star Faction] since he knows for sure, that this faction is what his [Unique Skill] gave him instead of the bag of coins to survive on for around a month. Luckily, for Venture at this point, he didn't get the bag of coins as he wouldn't have learned about this [Modifier] and would have learned it later on or not even know about it at all since it something, not on the list of things Venture need to research on.

But, at the same time, Venture finds this whole thing worse as well due to the potential of Firm possessing a [Curse-Type Skill] that make it so Venture can't leave the faction if possible without risking the chance of him falling under the curse's effects. Whatever the curse is, just that Venture knows it to be something deadly. Either way, both have pros and cons. It just depends on how many cons there are and it looks like Venture may need to use his [Unique Skill] to check if he is really cursed or not.

"A month at the very least could be longer. Time will tell." Cope response before the others could and narrow her eyes at them, daring them to refuse her words. Luckily, for them, they kept their mouths shut. "Now, on the second floor. One of the five rooms will be kept available for you to use without paying for rent until you get your own personal room after the probation. Any question?"

"Yeah, other than the whole probation, what is my role? You guys still haven't told me and am I allowed to leave here during the probation?" Venture hope he is allowed to leave, because he has no idea if being put under probation would allow him to check the library of this faction if they have a library that is. If not, he still needs to check the library to continue on with his research. Venture knows that having knowledge will increase his chance of survival in this world.

"We still have to think about what role to give you. As for leaving while under probation. Sure." Edify agreed, much to Cope's annoyance, "But, you have to return here within the given time we're to assign you." Edify didn't have to say why to Venture.

Venture understood and at the same time annoyed, but willing to follow. Hopefully, he won't be given the role of killing people as he rather not do any fighting period.

"Alright. I'm going back to the local library then. What time do I need to return back here?" Venture asks, eager to return back to his research as this is crucial to Venture's life. Finding out about the [Modifier] is a good example of Venture to continue seeking out knowledge of this world.

"Just come back before nightfall." Cope quickly spoke up before her little sister could. "If you're not here by then..." Cope didn't continue as she can tell her hidden message was received. Once everything is done, Cope got up and left without a care for others. As she has talked too much already.

Everyone watch Cope left the floor and the moment the door closed behind Cope. Almost everyone relaxes, where it felt like Cope would have done something if she was pushed too far.

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