
Beast man Tournament Pt.I

It didn’t settle in until I sat back down, just how big of a hole I dug for myself with those whole proposal.

If we didn’t produce satisfactory results, the people would mock us into oblivion. The emperor might catch some heat for allowing us to stain their holy tournament with our pathetic strength. This was a double-edged sword for him as well.

He was insane to accept the offer.

<<Correction: The emperor will not be looked down on, even if your performance is terrible>>

Why’s that?

<<He established himself as a benevolent and kind ruler, giving a small nation of monsters a chance to prove themselves to the citizens. As far as they are concerned, your fate is in their hands and the emperor is not involved whatsoever>>

Ah… right.

I glanced at the emperor. He had his usual nonchalant smirk as he casually waved at the cheering crowd. He eventually sat back down next to us, of course.

“Splendid addition, Queen Hinotori.”

Next chapter