
War For Larm Pt.IX

In the North, the tyrant Sora’s domain.

The griffin tyrant was sitting confidently on his rock, his retainers all lined up before him awaiting a command from him. If one looked at this scene, it was a picture-perfect poster of a king’s court.

Contrary to the scene, the tyrant was currently experiencing some inner turmoil.

Currently, there were two beings inside the tyrant, both struggling to assume perfect control over the body. At first, the second being was simply suggesting and whispering, but after a certain point, the being had gotten extremely aggressive in its approach.

It would take over in the night when Sora was sleeping. It was having secret conversations he wasn’t aware of. It was giving out orders without his say so. At this point, he was basically a backseat character in his own body and he wasn’t going to stand for that.

‘Simply hand over control. Things will be better that way.’

‘In what way? The West has clearly figured out your trick.’

Next chapter