
Cursed Tomb Of The Sea Devil Makrov - Fifth Floor Pt.II

I know I said I wouldn’t be going into monsters’ mouths ever again, but you had to understand, that was the only way to kill this thing. There were a few ways this could play out. Unfortunately, dragons weren’t so easy to kill from the inside like other creatures. Maybe if it was a fire dragon I could destroy it from the inside with explosions, but I would need something better.

Castil’s slimy tongue felt weird under my feet, but I could ignore it. I tried scratching it, but got nothing. I then attempted using [Lethal Black Claw] and his tongue started bleeding. The cut closed up almost immediately though, probably due to his [Quick Auto Regeneration] skill.

Next, I tried a simple fire ball spell. It worked perfectly, suggesting that my magic would work from the inside out, but that wasn’t a fun fight.

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