
Salutations! I Am Here To Eat You!

Post discussion with Tsuna, I received quite the bit of hefty information. I didn’t expect to see all the hob-goblin captains standing there though. I probably should have told Tsuna that I wanted it to be a personal affair. Amognst all that happened, there was one thing that stood out to me. The fact that Tsuna seemed reluctant to talk about somethings with the others around and Oki’s thoughts on my actions.

‘Pushover, huh?’

I ended up thinking, while by myself. I scoffed at his words, feeling that he was a bit right about it. However, I couldn’t help but think that if I forced my way with everything, no one would want to stay by my side. For instance, the incident with Shiroi earlier on. I didn’t even know how to apologise to her after doing.

‘That shitty goblin! Why didn’t you blow his head off?’

Akira asked, clearly pissed off.

‘He’s not worth it.’

‘Sure, sure. Keep saying he’s not worth it when we know that he deserves it. Let’s kill him, right Akkun?!’

Next chapter