
Next Move

Alyssia continued on her journey while dropping off the others to oversee some of the matters concerning the White Storm.

Even those captured had been sent to be detained and looked after while she was away so that she would not need to carry them around.

It was essential that they were placed strategically in a way to best ensure the stability of the White Storm during the following weeks and months.

After seeing the outcome of their battle against the Blackbeard pirates, she had enough confidence to leave them on their own to handle much more than before.

There were several weak links among the crew which were still considered as 'glass cannons' who would be vulnerable to attacks from professional killers and others of a higher power level.

Among them were Ann, Aizah and Pascia who were less skilled in martial arts than the others then there was Yvie who was much younger than the rest of them.

They may have each possessed their own progress over the time that had passed but it was still not enough to keep them completely safe.

The Devil Apes assigned to them as their own pets could help keep them safe but it was better to have more than one thing in place in case of emergencies.

Even those in the first half of the Grand Line had been contacted to remain vigilant and that anyone with higher power should return to the side of those who were more vulnerable and possessed a position that was important to the White Storm.

It let Alyssia have a little freedom as she sailed around the New World towards her destination without being disturbed.

There was much to do and promises she had to keep so she could not keep delaying everything any longer.

All of her plans were already delayed long enough in order to help her crew gain their power gradually so that they could keep the White Storm going.

The timing of her movements was very much related to future events that would take place where there would be fewer opportunities open.

If she wanted to cash in on the possible chances and gather lots of reputation points then she needed to time her battle with Garp well so that her win would not be overshadowed by other events.

The reputation points were all coming in rapidly allowing her to quickly reach close to the maximum limit once again during her journey.

She was getting very tired of all the secret attacks on the White Storm which had occurred in the past so she had to be patient enough to build up the power of those around her while collecting various skills for herself.

She had some plans on how to deal with such threats but that depended on how others reacted to her suddenly beating Garp.

All that mattered in the present was spending her hard earned reputation points and collecting the hard earned rewards from her win.

It did not take too long before she was on an unidentified island which she had visited in the past.

She stepped off her ship leaving it heavily guarded and a figure appeared to greet her.

He was dressed in a colourful striped suit with white paint over his face with some extra colourful patterns.

Despite him standing out quite a lot in such a place full of people who looked to be from rougher backgrounds, he did not seem to be intimidated at all.

The smile on his face showed no change from start to finish as he waited for Alyssia in place and then finally greeted her. "Miss Sia."

Jester performed a bow as if he was performing an end of show bow to the audience, his movements seemed so natural and over the top which caused Alyssia to smile. "I have not seen you in a while. How have you been doing?"

She was curious to find out about how Jester had been faring when left to mix with the underworld of the New World.

Among those that were picked up after setting out on her journey, Jester was among those that had the most potential.

First there were those who came out of Zou with her that had excellent potential due to their race and their longer time gaining benefits from her guidance and training.

Second were those who had great mental or physical talents that had already been nurtured by themselves before joining.

Third were those who had lacking talents but were willing to put in the efforts once they were provided a chance.

Fourth were those who had poor living conditions and no opportunities but were willing to work hard to overcome their lack of talent or those who had talent but were unable to make use of it with their living conditions growing up.

Fifth and finally were those which had their future cut off from them completely that needed to take another route should they accept that option.

Jester was already quite talents, strong and experienced by the time Alyssia had found him so it was not that difficult to help him grow further.

Not only was Jester lucky enough to gain a useful Devil Fruit ability but he had strengthened his use of it and trained his other skills diligently.

He adapted very well to many roles so Alyssia could trust him with such a job without worrying about him so much.

A Devil Ape was by his side most of the time so it was even more unlikely he would fail her.

The Devil Ape seemed to have picked up on the habits of its master and dressed in a similar manner while pulling a goofy smile towards Alyssia. "Uh!"

Jester began to escort her and explained. "I have done as you asked. Everything is proceeding smoothly with the information that has been provided. The main problem is that this action may shake up some influences here. We should expect some retaliation."

Alyssia coldly smiled in response to his words. "These guys love to use power and who has the biggest fist to settle matters. If you have the power then you have the right to speak.

If you are weak then you will just be attacked from all sides by these hungry wolves. With me here now.. they can only accept defeat and it is in their best interests to not pursue this matter any further."

Jester nodded listening to her words while his eyes showed a slight change as if his eyes had lit up with genuine happiness.

He bowed again. "Thank you."

Alyssia waved him off and complained. "It is nothing."

She proceeded to be taken around by Jester visiting several betting places where Jester made bets for her.

Each one took some time for the berries to be delivered to her due to there being some resistance from some groups.

Not all betting places were run by honourable people and there were always people who would renegade on their part of their own duty.

They did not mind taking the berries from others who lost but when it came to the big winnings from others, they refused to pay up if their losses were too large.

They knew what kind of business they were in but still refused to perform their role in a professional manner.

It was something to be expected from people who were a part of the underground world where it was difficult to trust everyone.

They could turn away winners who they had to pay large amounts of berries without even giving them back the berries payed to make the bet so long as they did not see there being any major problems from it.

If they could not pay up then there was always a chance that they would try to disappear with the berries.

Being faced with Alyssia Lucine who had defeated Garp, they could only give in to the horrifying intimidation she brought.

Even if they did not have enough to pay her, she took what was left from other personal belongings and anything else that could be used to pay the amount.

The presence of Alyssia caused many to drop their previous thoughts as she began sweeping their berries away after showing her betting slips.

Alyssia settled many matters in the underworld involving her berries being collected then came back to the hideout where Jester was staying after making a couple of trips around to explore and settle some other things.

She was busy counting the large stacks of berries, gold bars, jewels and all kinds of other things she had collected trying to get a rough estimate to how much she had earned.

Her red eyes were shining as she stared down at all of it. "This should help to do so much. Isn't that right?"

Her eyes turned towards a large group of people who were lying together in a bloodied and bruised state.

Next chapter