
Empirica #7

The remaining bungee grass that stuck to the body of Ideo was removed by him using one arm to position the grass that was stuck to his fist or arm while the other cut through them.

The same process was repeated using the same method with his other arm as he switched to his other fist to cut through them.

While he was doing so, Wanda had cut herself free and had cut the bungee grass closer to the ground around her so they no longer posed that big of a threat.

Val was watching and learning from everyone so quickly adapted to the situation, several quick and effortless cuts sliced through the bungee grass with ease.

The moves of Wanda were free and wild while Val was more calculated and precise but they both had succeeded in their task.

They both saw Milky whose clothes were disheveled as she was struggling so they both moved at the same time.

The sound of the metallic swords passing through the air had passed by Milky as both figures had passed by her.

They cut every piece of the bungee grass into smaller pieces which had fallen then into a small pile then stuck together on the ground.

A strange dirty vine or root crawled up from the ground and then wrapped around the roots which had fallen as if targeting anything that had been detected nearby.

The strange thing was that the roots did not get stuck to the bungee grass and had begun to wrap around it.

More roots came from underneath the soil and targeted anything in the area including Val, Wanda and Milky.

After sorting out her dress to make herself look more presentable, Milky stomped on the roots that tried to entangle her leg and caused it to break.

A look of surprise was in her eyes. "This part looks more fragile! Leave this to me! I want to take my revenge on these things!"

The strange part about the situation was that the broken root had retreated back into the ground and had given up on its target while others had backed off from that location.

Where ever the roots had appeared, the footsteps of Milky followed as she kicked and stomped at them causing them to retreat back into the ground.

There was a lot of caution displayed from the roots as if it had acted to preserve itself.

Alyssia placed her hand on her chin and was observing the characteristics of the plant. 'Hmm.. it seems to work as a whole life form that splits its various duties. One part sticks and wears down the prey until the movements become less then the roots will begin to come up. Only major disturbances above ground or harm to the roots will cause the roots to give up surfacing and retreat.

If my guess is correct then the roots are far more fragile and their only purpose is to loosen up the soil and to pull the weakened prey underground where it will suffocate. Then begins the natural process of the body breaking down and becoming nutrients for the plants and soil.'

Alyssia was very interested in the various plants that were rumoured to exist on the island since they were so strange but also quite dangerous. 'Yvie was quick to go underground so she must have an idea on how to deal with it. I am sure that she will be interested in studying it with Ting and Tong.'

While she was observing and thinking about how things were progressing, her attention was drawn to others.

Sunila was not a master in swordsmanship or cutting type techniques but she did have a wide variety of different tools to make use of. "How annoying. Right partner?"

A simple arrow was her choice and nothing more, her breathing was calm as she pulled back the bow then released it.

"Hiss." A weapon snake that was wrapped around her waist had begun to bite at some of the grass stalks that stuck to the body of Sunila which created small piercings then were cut as it retreated from its initial strike.

A single arrow had pierced through several stalks of bungee grass and had caused them to fall to the ground or follow along with the arrow if they had been able to stick to it before it had flew forward.

Eventually the arrow was knocked off course and fell down to the ground too then a root appeared under the ground to approach it.

Sunila frowned then removed another arrow but it had a thinner and smaller shaped arrow head which had pierced into the root and pinned it in place. "You are not going anywhere."

Sunila had grown up as a skilled and proud female warrior of Amazon Lily, she had went out to hunt and had encountered all kinds of strange large beasts there.

Sometimes she had been near death from the encounters and she had been saved when she was about to die.

Her previous abilities were already very high and her time with the White Storm had only helped to improve upon that.

Her arrows rarely ever missed their target and her gaze was able to read a lot of information from what was within her range of vision which allowed her to become a formidable ally to the White Storm.

The arrows continued to fly as they pierced through the grass and caused it to split and break apart then any other roots were targeted.

Jester was among those that Alyssia did not have to worry about, two simple knives were twirling in his hands as he made very agile movements to avoid touching the grass.

Even the slightest breeze could change the direction of the grass and cause him to get stuck but even the slightest change like that was ineffective.

Each motion of his was agile and had the grace of a performer but then became deadly as he slashed his daggers.

Many cut remains of the bungee grass remained in the air after being diced into small pieces then fall to the ground or were carried away by the wind. "Ah.. so boring."

A large figure was slightly clumsy as first but the grass was no threat to him.

It was Archie was not allowed to use his Quake Devil Fruit abilities but still had his body which was well suited for the current task.

His claws tore through the grass with ease as they were coated in a black coating which was his Armament Haki.

Alyssia who was observing had facepalmed. 'Some are using techniques and wit to free themselves and contribute but this guy is going for pure brutality and force. How typical of a bear. Using Haki was never really discussed but at least try to attempt to do so without relying on Haki.. silly bear.'

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