
Reaper and Sniper

The moment a harpoon was fired and was securely attached to an enemy ship, she quickly made her way across to check if it was safe to cross.

After waiting for the chain to become just right for her to walk upon, she jumped up onto it and activated her Electro and quickly stepped upon it to move across it quickly.

Although she had yet to look at the Six Powers, she had found that she met the requirements to begin practicing some of them considering the stats her body had reached.

Shave seemed like the easiest to pick up so she began to look through it and remember the beginner guide to it along with the basic steps.

Even if it was not perfect, her overall speed had become a little faster and her movements were a lot more efficient than before.

If there was one big improvement in her martial arts since she had left G-5 then it would be the refinement of her movements.

After removing any fancy or flamboyant moves that are far too large, the Six Powers focus on not wasting a single bit of potential within the body to efficiently handle combat against a single or many opponents at once turning the body into a deadly weapon.

After a slight review and practice of the new forms available to her from her White Storm Leg Style, she had begun to eliminate many movements that were inefficient or too large that also left many openings once she attacked someone.

She needed to be flexible and quick enough to kick out and then continue to move from opponent to opponent while evading attacks.

With all of the combined knowledge and experiences of the Happo, Niho Navy and the enemy countries she had faced and with the addition of the West Blue's strongest Marine post and then G-5 and Vergo on top of that, there was more than enough to further refine her martial arts and make her movements better suit her body better than before.

She moved so quickly across the metal chain that the opposite ship did not have enough time to prepare.

Some saw the flash of white lightening in the distance and the approaching flashes and panicked as they got closer.

They tried to reach for the poison coated harpoons and bazooka net guns that were out of their reach but it was all too late.

A reaper had arrived on their ship wielding a double sided reaper blade and quickly passed through many people very quickly without warning.

Each spin and twirl of the staff would reap many lives but those who had been spared from death by luck suffered an Electro attack that burnt their wounds and if they did not have enough mental strength would pass out.

Alyssia silently praised Vergo's demonic bamboo style and Sai's halberd or glaive style of combat as the two were added to her staff skill.

Her precision and control over her staff that had changed along with the new staff forms had helped to greatly improve her combat capabilities.

Moving at fast speeds she could easily time the spin of her staff so that reaper blades can deal the maximum damage possible right now.

The moment she landed on board the ship, it descended into chaos and many began to show fear in their final moments.

Had they known that it was a ruthless enemy of this caliber then they would not of taken the task to begin with.

The information they had been given was a report on an individual of a special and valuable race so was someone that they could handle given the right conditions but to be cautious.

They had been driven by their greed upon seeing the price for the Mink race on the black market.

How could they have expected that it was one of the more powerful members of the Mink race, although it did state that she possesses the combat strength of a commodore or above they believed there were ways to subdue her.

The moment she was inside of a net or was hit by something coated in anaesthetic or poison, they could handle the rest of her crew.

Just as the captain was reaching for the harpoon gun, far away a gun was fired by Nica who kept a watch on any dangers to Alyssia's life.

The captain was shot in the side of the neck and looked towards the location where the gunfire came from with a look of bewilderment on his face.

He tried to press on his wound to stop the blood from spilling out but this could not save his life.

As he fell down, the fuzzy image of white lightening flickering across his ship continued to move around his ship and where it appeared and disappeared, all that was left behind was the screams of his crew and blood.

After killing the crew on board the ship, she noticed the many dangerous weapons and frowned.

There were many different versions of net launcher, harpoon guns, bazookas and a type of gun that used a weird type of foam that hardens upon being exposed to the air for too long.

Any type of weapon could have caused a lot of problems for her crew but instead of standing around and panicking over it, she hurriedly ran towards the anchor point of the ship and released it then messed with the sails making the ship remain in place for a little while longer than it should.

These types of ships usually had a high amount of loot or captives within so she could not carelessly leave it in the middle of the New World..

Upon completing her task, she ran across back to her ship where there had been another chain set up for the next approaching ship.

She did not waste any time as she stepped onto the metal chain and quickly crossed it.

Her improved balance had allowed her to move across even with the changes at sea from her high mastery of climbing, acrobatic and gymnastic skills but her beast instincts also helped a little in grasping the right timing and movements to be used to quickly cross without falling into the water.

This time she was faced with a more prepared crew who released a net towards her right away.

The moment she boarded the ship, she was met with a veteran group of hunters who were better prepared but that did not deter her.

She flickered from her previous spot as the net passed where she previously stood and several shots were fired towards where she was expected to reappear but instead she did not falter in her movements and focussed on evading and attacking.

Bullets were fired upon any wielding any type if gun, launcher or harpoon guns by Nica from afar.

Some gunfire was aimed towards her but she was too fast and agile to be hit as she used her Electro and climbing abilities to dodge anything aimed at her.

Alyssia had passed on many ideas and tactics that came from shooting games or movies in her previous life as they were growing up so Nica was able to adapt those ideas into her own habits.

As Alyssia's skills grew and were combined to produce Skillshot and others, she began to pass on the teachings from it to better improve Nica's combat awareness and sniping skills even a little.

If she was more aware of potential shots being fired in her direction then she would be able to avoid it or get to cover beforehand.

Alyssia started using combinations of kicks and her staff skills as she used the battle tactics skill completely.

Sometimes she would separate the staff to attack dual wielding and then put it back together to begin spinning again to deflect some gunfire away as she moved to slash or kick an enemy to death.

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