
Closer to her objective but still far away

While arrangements were being made for many different things, Archie went to work on the ship after buying a couple of extra materials.

After her declaration and word had spread, rather than having her crew targeted she had become the main target for everyone's dissatisfaction so many had no choice but to target her first if they wanted to relieve their anger or gain something from her.

She got another wooden board and set it up on the side of the ship saying. [One on one duels, winners will get a reward. The starting reward is ten thousand berries if you beat the captain! To enter and have a chance to win you must pay two hundred berries. If you lose.. the berries will be added to the reward so the more losers the higher the prize becomes. Captain can be challenged using weapons or unarmed combat.]

Then she wrote on some others, for example Tristan and Carrot's prize reward was at eight and nine thousand to start and challengers were restricted to unarmed combat.

Clifford had one too but it was a weapons focussed duel that had a three thousand reward.

Nica preferred to keep out of it after some thinking since she usually was busy with her experiments and making or fixing things.

So at the moment she was building a small tournament square flooring that was able to fit on the ships deck without taking up too much space and getting in the way while they are sailing.

While Alyssia suggested a steel cage type of arena or boxing ring type of design, in the end they both settled for a simpler design that was kind of like the world martial arts tournament from dragon ball but made with sturdier materials.

Suddenly Alyssia raised her head and joked. "Maybe we can hold our own tournament with a big reward for the winner?"

Nica who was working on the design and getting a list ready for materials to be purchased replied. "Do not even think about it. Be content with what you have…"

Alyssia thought about it for a while and agreed.

If she kept going the way she was then the ship would be turned into a moving tournament arena or gladiatorial arena with even the viewers stands at the sides..

Before long she would have to build or buy a much bigger ship the more her fame grew..

For the current size of her crew, she could barely split the jobs between the whole crew just to keep the ship running smoothly so if it was any bigger she would need a much larger crew to handle the work required to maintain, protect and steer it.

The size of the ship was perfect for their needs at this time and the journey had just begun so there was no way she would discard it after taking so long to have it built in Zou.

While she was dismissing those thoughts an image popped up in her mind of herself wearing similar clothing to Foxy and laughing strangely that sounded like. 'Eefifififififi.'

As soon as that image popped up in her head, she had the urge to beat herself up and make herself forget even thinking in that direction.

Although her plans did have ways to make her profit and gain more fame and practice with her skills, she wasn't going around challenging and tricking people into playing her games and then taking away peoples pirate flags and crew members.

She would only challenge known martial artists or martial halls but if people came to her for a duel she needed to set an entry or wager so that not everyone can take part and she won't be overworked everyday.

With the addition of the other crew members taking part in the fights, Alyssia had a way to also push some challenges to them when she needed to do her own thing without being disturbed.

An hour later on the ship, two figures could be seen exchanging blows one after another.

A muscular man was knocked back after having his punch come into contact with her foot.

Many times she was lowering her original speed and strength to match her opponent so that she could integrate what she had learned from the system after correcting some of her faults.

Most of her basic kicks were slowly beginning to take the forms of taekwondo and also putting in some extra movements that involve some acrobatic hand standing kicks that are inspired by capoeira and other martial arts.

Taekwondo is characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques.

In fact, sparring competitions award additional points for strikes that incorporate spinning kicks, kicks to the head, or both.

To facilitate fast, turning kicks, Taekwondo generally adopts stances that are narrower and taller than the broader, wide stances used by martial arts such as karate.

The tradeoff of decreased stability is believed to be worth the commensurate increase in agility but if she is able to adjust it to incorporate her jumping and acrobatics then she would see much more of an improvement.

Slowly she was incorporating the principles of reaction force, concentration, breathing control, equilibrium, mass and speed a little better than she had been doing previously.

She was slowly changing her front, side and back kicks and adding in some variations like a snap front or side kick and a spinning back kick.

She was also adding some variations of inward and outward crescent kicks, hook kicks and knee strikes into her arsenal and slowly perfecting them.

She had some ideas of her own for her style but she needed to get rid of her own bad habits and some of the deeply ingrained fighting styles that she had gotten used to over the years.

Before she reaches the next destination, she had to get closer to her own style of martial arts so that she can begin to perfect it to add on additional skills of techniques on top of it.

Many of her techniques before had used the flat of her foot in her side, back and front kicks for a push kick but after finally settling on a direction, she decided to add a variation of using the ball of the foot to extend her reach for various kicks but many of her other kicks were focussed towards attacking with the heel, sole, instep, and ball of her foot but also the foot sword that used the outer edge of the foot. [1]

She wished to focus more toward having a much longer reach but also have more powerful and penetrating kicks rather than one that only pushes back her opponent.

After the man was knocked back he tried to launch another punch after another but he was blocked by a variation of kicks.

Perhaps it was her beast sense that also played a major role but there was also her talents that allowed her to adjust quickly after every battle so she was able to put many of her insights and what she had learned from the system into practice.

She was able to keep her balance on board the ship while in combat better with the help of the acrobat skill as she used her kicks to counter her opponents fists with various combinations.

The man did not back off or give up but as Alyssia got used to the rhythm of the fight and no longer had a use for him, a front snap kick broke through his guard and came into contact with his chin knocking him out.

After it was over she turned to a nearby woman who stood nearby and said. "I'm sorry but your fighter has lost. You can leave the berries here since you brought them before the wager was set. It is a pleasure doing business with you. If you still wish for to own the ship then you must visit the auction."

The woman looked down at her best fighter from her organisation and then back at Alyssia and the other crew members while weighing her options, she then turned to the guards by her side and ordered in a cold but also angry voice. "Pick him up and take him away. Let's leave this place right away. Never mind.. it's just a ship. It isn't worth the trouble."

She did have the thought of causing a scene or attempting to renegade on her promised wager but her best fighter had just been played around with and it was clear there was a large difference of skill and power between both fighters.

With her best fighter unconscious, she did not have the confidence to go through with it so had no choice but to retreat.

After she left, Alyssia went back to practice as she was getting closer to her goal but there was still a long way to go and many things to work on before she could call it her own thing and not a complete copy of things she had some knowledge of from her previous life and completely suited this worlds power structure.


[1] Ball of the foot – This is the area directly underneath the toes. When this area is engaged the toes must be pulled back.

Footsword - The outer edge of the foot and is used by turning the foot down so the sole lies horizontal to the leg.

Heel – This is a hard surface and used in penetrating kicks.

Instep – This is at the top of the foot and is used when the toes are pointed forward.

Sole of the foot – This part of the under foot provides a bigger surface area and is used to force an opponent backwards.


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